Events for Adults
 Monday 30 October, 6.30pm Streatham Library, SW16 1PN Booking via Eventbrite
Join Prof Gus John in launching his two new books Blazing Trails - stories of a Heroic Generation and Don’t Salvage the Empire Windrush. Gus will be in conversation with Prof Lez Henry.
 Friday 3 November, 7pm Clapham Library, SW4 7DB Booking via Eventbrite
Come and join Pegasus Opera Company for their Legacy and Hope concert featuring top classical singers and their community choir performing songs from composers of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage, gospel, spirituals, opera, musical theatre and songs inspired by the Black diaspora.
 Wednesday 8 November, 7pm Brixton Library, SW2 1JQ Booking via Eventbrite
It's 1746 and London is not a safe place for a young Black man. Sancho is utterly alone and desperate. And yet this same man will go on to lead the fight to end slavery, meet the King and become the very first Black person to vote in Britain . . .It's time for him to tell his story…
From one of Britain's best-loved actors comes an utterly captivating historical novel, the true story of a Great Black Briton.
 Tuesday 14 November, 7pm Carnegie Library, SE24 0AG Booking via Eventbrite
Join Deborah Harrington, co-director at thinktank Public Matters, to discuss Modern Monetary Theory and public policy. A fresh look at the future for public services (our NHS, our schools, our pensions, and yes even our libraries) and how to move beyond that old question which often ends all debate: "How ya gonna pay for it"?
Event organised by the Friends of Carnegie Library.
 Monday 20 November, 7pm Durning Library, SE11 4HF Booking via Eventbrite
Charlie Holland, Kennington resident and former circus performer, will introduce Zazel, the first human cannonball, and other local children who were indentured as gymnasts and feature in his forthcoming book, Acrobats and Aerialists in the Circus and Music Hall, 1850s – 1900s.
Event organised by the Friends of Durning Library. Entry free. Refreshments (£3 cash donation towards costs).
 Friday 24 November, 7pm Clapham Library, SW4 7DB Booking via Eventbrite. Tickets £8
Join award winning guitarist Michał Obrębski for his solo show - an explosive mix of guitar styles. Michał is a fan of asymmetric rhythms, surprising harmonies, and at the same time has a visual approach to music. He was the winner of the international Warsaw Fingerstyle Festival competition 2021 and performed at the world renowned Guitar Summit in Germany.
 Monday 13 to Sunday 19 November Clapham Library. SW4 7DB Exhibition available during Library opening hours
Working in partnership with Friends, Families and Travellers, the Library will be presenting the Travelling Tales Project with a Vardo (Romani wagon), offering a first-hand look at how life on the road used to be. Come along and experience life in the Vardo!
Exhibition celebration: Saturday 18 November, 7pm to 9pm Booking via Eventbrite
In closing the exhibition, Clapham Library will host Readings and Music from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community.
Events for Children and Young People
 Saturday 4 November, 2pm to 4pm Streatham Library, SW16 1PN Booking via Eventbrite
The mic will be open to all ages. Register by email:
First 19 booked will perform 1-3 poems each. As children will be present, please keep the language PG.
 Saturday 11 November, 1 to 4pm West Norwood Library, SE27 9JX Booking via website
Nothing beats a good story. Join LEAP for a free family-friendly storytelling session. Together you and your little ones will discover, celebrate and share stories in different ways such as using music and movement. You’ll hear stories from different cultures, and there will be story-based craft sessions. Sessions will take place across Lambeth so there is plenty of opportunity for you to get involved.
 Monday 13 to Friday 17 November All Lambeth Libraries
World Nursery Rhyme Week is an annual initiative that promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development and education. Join us in Lambeth Libraries all week at our Wriggle and Rhyme groups for a nursery rhyme Rhyme Time.
 Thursday 23 November, 4 to 6pm West Norwood Library, SE27 9JX Booking via Eventbrite
Join us for an empowering event dedicated to raising awareness about crucial mental health concerns facing today's teens. At the fair, youth-focused organisations will set up information stalls to provide valuable insights, guidance, and resources to assist teenagers on their mental health journeys. The best part - it's entirely free of charge!
 Saturday 25 November, 3 to 4pm Upper Norwood Library, SE19 1TJ Booking via Eventbrite
Unforgettable Children's Workshop! Embark on a captivating journey with author Ella Phillips. Including: Storytelling Magic by Ella, brought alive with scents, sounds and textures; create an adventure book by gluing mementos from your adventure onto paper; discover what Zee keeps in his adventure bag, a treasure trove of surprises – all with loads of crafts. Suitable for children 2 to 8 years old.
Other Library Activities
 Mondays, 10.30am to 12.30pm. Streatham Library, SW16 1PN
A free digital skills programme that teaches the basics for you to get started on your digital journey. Just drop in to get started.
 Wednesday 8 November, 11.30pm to 2.30pm. Brixton Library. SW2 1JQ Booking email:
Raising awareness of mental health and how to help. For residents, frontline staff, volunteers and local businesses.
 Saturday 25 November, 11am to 4pm South Lambeth Library, SW8 1QP
Craft stalls of all kinds, cards, knitting, jams and much more... with a special Father Xmas walk-through at 2.30pm - all welcome. Organised by the Friends Of Tate South Lambeth Library. For more details contact
 Wednesday 29 November, 7pm South Lambeth Library, SW8 1QP
From 6pm there will be festivities throughout Stockwell, starting with the turning on of the Christmas tree lights at Stockwell Memorial Gardens and ending at the Library with music and more, all via a festive parade. For further information contact Marta at Thriving Stockwell on |