Climate action, clean transport and sustainability news

Climate action, clean transport and sustainability news

cop26 campaign


Over the last month, alarm bells warning of the climate and nature emergencies have resounded across the world as political leaders met at COP26 in Glasgow to make commitments to stop catastrophic global warming. 

We're proud that Lambeth demonstrated the ambition in our borough across the 2 weeks...

As Aloka Sharma, COP President, said: "We have kept 1.5 within reach, but the pulse is weak." We know there's a lot to do to tackle the global climate crisis, but in Lambeth we're energised to act.

Early in the new year, we will release Lambeth's Climate Action Plan. The plan will put our Assembly recommendations into action: guiding our businesses, organisations and residents to a net zero, climate resilient future. 

Read on for the latest climate, clean transport and sustainability news in Lambeth.

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Climate in the news

Lambeth locals call for global action


As global leaders met in Glasgow, our Citizens’ Assembly members shared powerful calls for action on social media. Many were inspired by what they learnt about the potential impact of climate change in Lambeth when they took part in the assembly this summer.

View on Instagram

"Lambeth is already stepping up on climate action"

claire at cop

Councillor Claire Holland, Leader of the Council, held a prestigious Blue Zone pass at COP26. She reflected on her experience in 'The MJ' newspaper.

"It was an inspiring experience showcasing the excellent work councils and local communities across the country are already doing to limit the global temperature rises that threaten us all." 

Read her article

#EnginesOff Campaign raises awareness of deadly idling

anti idling

Did you know air pollution is linked to 40,000 deaths a year in the UK?

In London, road vehicles are responsible for 50% of these deadly emissions.

We're supporting Idling Action London's anti-idling campaign to raise awareness how switching your engine off at every stop can reduce pollution.

Find out how to get involved

Things are heating up at Brockwell Hall


Brockwell Park has always been a green oasis, but now the beautiful Brockwell Hall will be green on the inside too!

A ground source heat pump, which uses heat from the earth’s crust, is being installed to heat the building. It will save an amazing 46 tonnes of CO2 per year, helping us reach #netzero2030.

Works start from early December.

Read project blog

Retrofit London Action Plan launched


The London Councils Joint Statement on Climate Change outlined a series of pledges agreed by the London boroughs to achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions across London.

You can watch the event on London Councils’ YouTube channel here.

Read the Action Plan 

Climate in the community

Teach your kids about air pollution


Mums for Lungs, a clean air campaign group which began in Brixton, are developing a short air pollution awareness session for Reception classes.

If you’re a parent or teacher interested in having this happen at your school, please get in touch with

Find out more 

Get creative with waste


The Remakery in Brixton, provides space for the community to work with surplus materials, tackling waste in the borough.

If you're interested in the getting involved, you can join them for open studio sessions this weekend.

Get joining

Have your say on Streatham Hill and Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

car free day

We’re asking people who live, work and travel in the trial low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in Streatham Hill and Tulse Hill to share their views by doing a survey.

We’re considering making the changes permanent after monitoring the LTN and finding that it has been reducing traffic in the area.

The consultations run until 19 December.

Tulse Hill consultation

Streatham Hill consultation

Nature in the news

Get Flood Aware

tulse hill

In Lambeth 8500 buildings are at flood risk. This summer major flood incidents happened.

This #FloodAwarenessWeek we shared how our flood risk team uses natural defence systems to prevent flooding, such as building a rain garden on Tulse Hill estate.

Share flood guidance 

Lambeth's Natural Thinkers goes nation wide


The Natural Thinkers programme supports teachers and practitioners to connect children with nature, through inspiring and motivating practical activities.

It was developed by Lambeth Council and the Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP).

Read their story

Nature in the community

Help distribute surplus food for those in need at Christmas


Healthy Living Platform will be collecting and delivering increased quantities of surplus food over Christmas. They are looking for volunteers to:

  • Sort food for delivery to Lambeth community projects (Brixton Rec)
  • Collect surplus food from food suppliers 
  • Deliver food to food projects 

If you are interested please sign up here or email Freya at

Sign up here

Lambeth Friends of the Earth are growing the team


Friends of the Earth Lambeth are an environmental campaign group in the borough.

They are looking for two volunteers to take on the role of Coordinator and more to join the the Social Media team. 

Get in touch with FoE them at

Visit Lambeth FoE 

Have your say on Lambeth's Bee Roads


Lambeth Bee Roads is a series of proposed greening projects to convert grassland and tarmac alongside roads into meadows, rain gardens, and wildflower planting. The Bee Roads will be on land managed by Lambeth housing and highways. We are interested in your opinions and your help on the Lambeth Bee Roads. Please share your views by completing our online survey.

The consultation runs from 24 November to 19 December 2021.

Find out more 

Boosting biodiversity in the borough


Recent reviews of biodiversity including Areas of Deficiency for Access to Nature (AoDs) and Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) developed by our Parks team will set the direction for a more biodiverse Lambeth.

Projects such as Great North Wood project continue to get residents involved involved.

Want to get hands-on with nature yourself? Contact

Grants and funds

Looking to expand your community energy project?

what if lambeth

The Mayor of London is calling for a Net Zero carbon city by 2030. London will need to be supplied by a range of efficient and clean energy sources.

The London Community Energy Fund provides much-needed support to get community energy projects up and running and deployed faster.

The deadline was Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 5pm however the fund will remain open on a first-come first-serve basis for projects to apply for remaining funds after this deadline.

Apply online today

Special funding helps small businesses switch to e-cargo bikes


If you have and are business looking for more sustainable ways to deliver goods to your customers, then the eCargo bike scheme could help you.

Funding is now available to help small businesses make the transition and they're invited to apply to get covered on up to 40 per cent of the total cost of an electric eCargo bike.

Businesses can get a maximum of £2,500 for two-wheel models and £4,500 for three-wheel models. The scheme was recently announced by Energy Saving Trust and the Department for Transport.

Apply now

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