Cases are rising in Lambeth

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A message from Lambeth Council Leader Cllr Jack Hopkins

Dear resident,

Cases of coronavirus are rising across the country and in the last week we have seen a rise in cases here in Lambeth. While this has not been as large in our borough as in other parts of London and the country, it is of significant concern and means we all need to act with caution and have the welfare of our neighbours, friends and fellow Lambeth residents in our minds as we go about our daily business.

As of yesterday, that means not gathering socially in groups of more than 6 people. The risks and dangers of COVID, how it is spread, who is most at risk and the serious health impacts have not changed and the health evidence which guides this remains clear. 

We therefore must also all continue to follow the key public health advice which is:

  • HANDS - Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds. 
  • FACE - Wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.  
  • SPACE - Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings or increasing ventilation indoors). 

If you have symptoms

If you have symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell), you must self-isolate and apply for a test at or call 119. If you test positive, you must share information about your recent close contacts through the NHS Test and Trace service to help alert other people who may need to self-isolate. In Lambeth, we’ve seen relatively more contacts being provided and reached compared to other areas of the country, but we need Lambeth residents to continue to maintain and improve on this so that we can keep each other safe. All businesses will now be required to participate in the collection of customer details and the scheme is vital to our ability to contain the spread of the virus.

More guidance for households with symptoms is available on the GOV.UK website, and please visit the NHS website for a Step-by-step guide on NHS Test and Trace.

We're working with the NHS to protect Lambeth

The council is committed to working with the NHS to protect our residents and you will see Lambeth officers out in our community ensuring people stick to the guidance and stay safe. While we hope to receive further details from central government about how they will support local authorities to cover the costs we are incurring to keep people safe, and continue to urge the government to take the necessary steps to improve the testing system, all of us at Lambeth Council are committed to doing all we can to protect our communities.

Fines can now be levied against those who do not comply with the rule on gatherings of more than six people and I urge all Lambeth residents to act responsibly and follow this advice. This rule does not apply to workplaces, schools, elite sport, weddings, funerals, places of worship and other key settings.

Supporting jobs and the community

At the Council and right across the borough we know that the economic and social impacts are already being felt and are likely to get worse for many of us. We are working with a range of businesses, community groups and the voluntary sector to mitigate these impacts and ensure that young people get the education and opportunities they need, that people are able to survive financially and that the wellbeing of Lambeth and all of our residents is as strong as possible.

Together, if we follow the advice we can protect our family, friends and neighbours from this virus.

Best wishes,

Cllr hopkins

Cllr Jack Hopkins

Leader of Lambeth Council

P.S Can you help?

There are lots of flexible opportunities to volunteer to help your community through the Team Lambeth Volunteer mailing list. Can you help?

The OnHand shopping service in particular needs more volunteers at the moment, it's a simple and rewarding opportunity to do some shopping for someone who can't get out the house, and you can easily fit it around your schedule. Sign up as a volunteer now.