TRA News - June 2020 - Recruiting volunteers webinar


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June TRA Newsletter

Next webinar – recruiting volunteers

Recurting Volunteers

The next webinar will be held on Monday 15 June at 6.30pm.

The topic will be how to recruit volunteers - a challenge for all TRAs. The session will last an hour.

So far 13 TRAs have joined us on these webinars and found them very useful.

If you would like to attend please email Doreen Mason on she will send you an invite to join in the discussion.

Blooming Lambeth 2020

Blooming Lambeth

This year’s awards are going ahead with a difference in judging and will depend on your entry as the judges won’t be visiting.

The full list of categories can be found on the Incredible Edible Blooming Lambeth awards page.

Please send your best description and pictures to the category you wish to nominate to. There will be prizes for all shortlisted nominations.

Closing date has now been extended to 31 August.

Covid-19 update

We are awaiting further Central Government guidance as to when facilities can be re-opened albeit whilst having to social distance. We are hopeful this may happen next month providing the government believes the infection rate is reducing. However, we don’t anticipate this will allow the usual bookings for parties to happen but could allow some activities which can maintain social distancing such as after school clubs or classes. In the meantime TRAs can always find the latest advice on the council's Coronavirus (Covid-19) page. 

Board Meeting

Board Corner                         

The next round of Area Board meetings will be virtual meetings

North Area Board  16 June 2020 @ 6.30pm

South Area Board  23 June 2020 @ 6.30pm


Meetings are held every quarter to review Housing Services performance and review service areas of concern and we welcome new residents getting involved. If you would like to join a meeting please email Erin Healy on All previous Board packs are available on the Lambeth website - Getting Involved page

Free Courses

Free courses for Lambeth Housing tenants

Lambeth and High Trees Community Development Trust are teaming up again to offer the following courses below:

AET Level 3

Food & Hygiene Level 2

CIH Housing Practice Level 3

If you are interested in any of these courses please contact High Trees on 0208 671 3132 or at or register on the link below

High Trees - online courses for Lambeth Housing Tenants

Other Training courses

High Trees Community Development Trust offers a range of other courses for residents, please see link below for full information

High Trees - online courses for all.

Southwark Council

Free training available to everyone who works or lives in Southwark or Lambeth boroughs.

Full details available on the link below:

Free courses in Southwark and Lambeth