To mark World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September 2019, key organisations across Lambeth came together for an event hosted by Lambeth Together, to discuss how we call all have life-saving conversations.
In Lambeth, on average two of our residents die by suicide each month, with many more making suicide attempts. Across London, 11 people a week lose their life to suicide. Difficult economic circumstances, loneliness, drugs and alcohol, self-harm, trauma and mental health issues, all play a part. The consequences of each death on our families and communities are devastating and long-lasting. Each suicide affects on average ten additional people.

With various changes happening in Lambeth’s health and social care, there may be things that directly affect you or your community, and times where you want to share your views outside of the Lambeth Together public events or consultations. Healthwatch Lambeth is the independent champion for all local people, and they work closely with Lambeth Together to ensure everyone’s voice is heard. Here, they talk about two projects, on new home care services and Early Help for families, where they are involving Lambeth people in the design of their own care.

On Wednesday 4 September 2019, NHS staff, council and public service workers, volunteers and carers who have made outstanding contributions to health and social care in Lambeth were celebrated at the Lammy Awards. The event was a huge success, with over 200 people coming together to celebrate the hard work in health and care across Lambeth.
For the fifth year in a row, the Lammy Awards honoured individuals and teams nominated by the public in 12 categories, with 13 award winners in total. You can read more about each of the awards and the winners on NHS Lambeth CCG’s website.
Lambeth Together Training Hub is a platform for workforce development in Lambeth. It aims to bring together enthusiastic partners to transform our local workforce, making then fit for the future.

You can now get your blood pressure checked in Lambeth for free at 20 pharmacies and opticians. Everyone should know their blood pressure.
Getting a blood pressure check done is easy and could save your life. If left untreated high blood pressure increases your risk of serious health problems.
More than one in four adults in the UK have high blood pressure. Most people won't realise this as high blood pressure or hypertension usually has no noticeable symptoms.
This is because it puts strain on blood vessels, heart and other organs such as kidneys, eyes and brain. Having persistent high blood pressure can increase the risk of developing potentially life-threatening conditions like heart failure, strokes, kidney disease and vascular dementia, so it's really important to have it checked.

The free flu vaccination is offered on the NHS to those who are at increased risk from the effects of flu. These include people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, those with underlying health conditions and children (aged 2-10). If you’re eligible, you can get your flu vaccination from your general practice or pharmacy to help protect yourself this winter. Pregnant women may also be offered the vaccine through their maternity service.
Flu can be serious and even deadly for older adults, very young children, and people with underlying health conditions. It kills an average of 8,000 people every year. The vaccine is the best defence we have against what can be a serious illness.
Employees at Lambeth Council, NHS workers in Lambeth and those working and volunteering at other key partner organisations are being offered the flu jab for free. This is to keep key NHS and Council staff well over winter to better support Lambeth people and to help prevent the spread of flu in our borough.
Lambeth DataNet uses GP patient records to obtain anonymous information to help plan and improve healthcare services. In this article you will find examples of some of the latest research, including research on social deprivation, fit notes, air pollution and smoking, the findings of which continue to inform our latest work and interventions.

NHS Lambeth CCG and the London Borough of Lambeth have appointed Andrew Eyres as Strategic Director: Integrated Health and Care in a new joint role, to oversee Lambeth Together, the on-going improvement and integration agenda of health and care services in the Borough. Andrew started in the role on 1 October 2019.
The role will span the Local Authority Adults and Care Directorate and from 1 April 2020, the leadership of borough commissioning within the proposed South East London CCG.

As with everything we do through Lambeth Together, we would like this newsletter to be developed in partnership. We would really appreciate your feedback on this first edition and we also want to hear about your success stories, new initiatives and your hopes for the future of Lambeth Together. It would be great to include as many stories and views as possible from across the borough.
If you have anything you think could be included in the next edition, please contact us at