Tenants' and Residents' Association News - June 2019


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Tenants’ and residents’ association News June 2019


Blooming Lambeth Awards 2019

Come on - get involved, get entering and get winning!!

Deadline: 1st of June

Prizes: £100 each winner

For more details on the seven categories to nominate please visit the website www.incredibleediblelambeth.org. 

TRAs of the month

 Balmoral Court

In response to concerns about the poor condition of the green spaces at the entrance to the estate.  Balmoral Court residents have been busy sprucing up the front of No 1 and 2 to make it appealing to visitors. The project was created by the Balomoral Court Tenants and Residents Association.


The Chair of the TRA is John McDonald who has been instrumental in getting residents interested in working on the gardens. As a result they will be seeking a nomination for Blooming Lambeth awards and expect to be commended for all their efforts.

Fenwick Estate


Had their first TRA committee meeting at their newly refurbished hall. Needless to say the meeting was a roaring success in their new gleaming quarters.


Board Corner


All three Area Boards met in May. Topics discussed when considering the end of year performance data included the call centre service, repairs and anti-social behaviour. It is very likely repairs will form the main topic area for the next round of Board meetings in September (dates for which will be in the Council’s calendar by August.

 Find out when meetings are.                                                   

The review of the resident engagement structures report has been drafted by the independent consultant, Just Housing Group. The recommendations from the review will be shared with TRAs once agreed by the Co-ordinating Committee and will now go to Cabinet on 22 July. Among the recommendations is a stipend to be payed to residents on the Co-ordinating Committee for all the time they put into working with the Council.

In the meantime the resident Task & Finish Group is about to publish its report on the Communal repairs service. There will be an action plan drafted to address their recommendations and progress will be monitored by the Co-ordinating Committee. A copy of the report will be available via the website once published.

Let's talk about rubbish and recycling

plastic bottles

We're launching an updated waste and recycling strategy for Lambeth, and we want to know what you think about it. 

Managing our waste better and recycling more is important. Every one percent increase in recycling achieved will save the council around £90,000 - money which could be used to fund other services, especially those supporting the most vulnerable in our community.

Taking Part in the Conversation


Complete the survey


The survey page includes links to a short summary of the strategy. The survey closes on 10 June 2019.