The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Signed Story

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Bright Start Bright Ideas

Contact Us      |     Bright Start Islington    |   21 April 2023

Quick Tips

Quick Tips

Welcome to Quick Tips, the regular newsletter in addition to your fortnightly Bright Start Bright Ideas newsletter.

We will be sharing quick tips, ideas, activities and practical advice to support  the health and development of you and your child.

For further advice, tips and ideas, there are a number of links at the bottom of this email.


Islington Family Information Service 

For information and advice about free early learning and childcare, activities and support services for families with children 0-25, contact the Family Information Service on 
020 7527 5959 or

In this issue:

Quick tip

SEND image

Suzanne and Tracy from Singing Hands want to share the familiar story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ with you using actions to make the story come to life.

Makaton signs support your child in continuing to develop their communication skills. And using them alongside a familiar story can be lots of fun for all the family. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Stay active every day

Girl wearing a red t shirt and black trousers, smiling, with her arms held up.

Tidy up time!   

Jobs around the house can be very physical. Involve your child in sorting out the washing, or encourage them to match the socks. Let them help push the hoover or give them a dustpan and brush or a duster to help polish!


Bright Start Health 

health visitor with family

Babies are born with immunity to many diseases, as antibodies from their mothers are passed to their unborn babies through the placenta. But immunity in newborn babies is only temporary and starts to decrease after the first few weeks or months. That’s why it’s very important that babies start their vaccinations at 2 months, and that children have all of the scheduled vaccinations on time. These help the baby to build their own immune system and protect them from dangerous diseases such as polio, measles and mumps.

  • Check that your child is up to date by looking in their red book
  • Make an appointment with your GP practice if you need to catch up
  • Speak to your health visitor or doctor if you have questions

Vaccinations and newborn screening tests