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Bright Start Bright Ideas

Contact Us      |     Bright Start Islington    |   18 February 2022

Quick Tips

Quick Tips

Welcome to Quick Tips, the regular newsletter in addition to your fortnightly Bright Start Bright Ideas newsletter.

We will be sharing quick tips, ideas, activities and practical advice to support  the health and development of you and your child.

For further advice, tips and ideas, there are a number of links at the bottom of this email.


Islington Family Information Service

For information and advice about free early learning and childcare, activities and support services for families with children 0-25, contact the Family Information Service, FIS
020 7527 5959; fis@islington.gov.uk

In this issue:

Quick tip

Islington Safer spaces programme

Islington Council are currently looking to get resident views on the range of activities and services available across the borough delivered by the council and voluntary sector.

We want to make sure there are lots of things to do in Islington that meet local people's needs and interests. We also want it to be easy to find out about what's on offer.

We would like to hear your views. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes of your time.

Complete the survey

Stay active every day

Girl with one arm in the air

Heads up!

Find a small suitable item to balance on your child’s head, such as a small cushion, beanbag, socks tied together or folded scarf. See if your child can walk from one side of the room to the other without it falling off. You could maybe add some obstacles for extra challenge!


Bright Start Health 

Health Visiting QR code

If you would like to know more about who the Health Visiting service are and how they can support your family, please use the QR code to watch a short video about the service. The video is also available in 7 different languages.

  • Health Visitor informationWe are continuing to work with you face to face if you are happy to see us in your home or in a clinic setting. We will be contacting you if you are pregnant, have a new baby or your child is due any developmental reviews but you can contact us too. If you know your health visitor call the number given to you in your red book. We also have 1 duty line operating between 9am-5pm and this has a voicemail facility too: 020 3316 8008.
  • For breastfeeding support, please see the Islington Breastfeeding Support website or contact the peer support team on 020 3316 8439 
  • Childhood immunisations are still very important and continue as normal: You can see the schedule here and arrange these through your GP surgery.
  • If you need to seek medical advice please call 111 as this is the best starting place. For all other emergencies, A&E is still in operation.