INSSight: New templates and guidance

In the autumn, the Insolvency Service will be introducing a new internal case
management system called ‘INSSight’.

As part of this change, we are asking IPs to use our new templates to tell us about:

  • Unclaimed Receipts (and the creditor listings relating to those receipts)
  • Cheque and BACs payment requisitions
  • IVA registrations
  • Bulk transfer of bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation and non-compulsory liquidation cases

From October 2024

You should plan to use the new templates from October 2024, and replace any
previous ones in use. We will confirm the exact date in due course.
Examples are attached and guidance on how to use them is below – so please do
have a read through and look at them.

CAU forms

We will still require CAU forms for Unclaimed Receipts and Cheque and BACs
payment requisitions. These should be attached to an email along with the relevant

We will accept CAU forms without a template, however they may take longer to

We have sent copies of the new templates to the following IP Case Management

  • Turnkey
  • Aryza
  • Puritie
  • Pelstar

If you have questions about how your provider will support you in using the new
spreadsheets, contact them directly.
If you have any other comments or questions, please send them to

Kind Regards
The Insolvency Service