COVID-19 booster
The following people will be offered a COVID-19 booster vaccination:
- people aged 50 and over;
- people who live and work in care homes;
- frontline health and social care workers;
- people aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts them at high risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19;
- people aged 16 and over who are a main carer for someone at high risk from COVID-19;
- people aged 16 and over who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis).
People who are pregnant and in one of the eligible groups can also get a booster dose.
On the Island you will be contacted by your GP when it is your turn to get the booster. Please remember; the booster will be offered at least six months after completion of the first course of vaccination.
If you are asked to book online but are only offered a mainland appointment, please wait and try again. New appointments are released daily and everyone in the above list will be able to get a booster dose.
12-15 year olds
Children aged 12-15 can get their COVID-19 vaccination as part of the in-school vaccination programme.
Get the information you need to make the right decision for your child on this website. It will also help you understand the consent process.
There is more information on this NHS website.
16 - 25 year olds
If you are aged 16 to 25 you can get your vaccine at Riverside Centre. Book your vaccination online or call 119. Here’s a guide for young people about vaccinations.
18+ year olds
If you are aged 18 and over it’s not too late to get your first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Please book an appointment today. Call 119 or book your vaccination online.
Latest Island COVID-19 and vaccine statistics
These are the latest published vaccination and COVID-19 stats for the Isle of Wight, from NHS England and Public Health England, respectively. Read the full report.
The COVID-19 statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by Public Health England on 4 October 2021 at 4.50pm including data up to 3 October 2021.
The vaccination statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by NHS England on 30 September 2021 including data up to 26 September 2021.
The graphic shows:
- 108,465 - The number of Island residents who have received their first dose of the vaccine.
- 101,070 - The number of Island residents who have received their second dose of the vaccine.
- 12,369 - The number of confirmed cases to date of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result since March 2020. This is based on the residential address of the person tested rather than where they are registered with a GP.
- 650 - The number of positive cases in the seven-day period.
- 456.8 - Weekly cases per 100,000. This is the number of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result in the seven-day period, divided by the total population of the total population of the Island.