Your Island COVID-19 update

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29 September 2021

Don't guess, take a test

Don't guess, take a test 

It's really important that we all keep testing to find positive cases quickly and break the chains of transmission in our community.

Free tests are available to collect from participating pharmacies across the Island or can be ordered online. Remember to record the result whether it's positive or negative.

If you get a positive result or start to develop symptoms, isolate and book a PCR test.

COVID vaccine walk-ins


Let's get back to the things we love

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and offer the best protection against the virus.

Research has shown the COVID-19 vaccines help to:

  • reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19;
  • reduce your risk of catching or spreading COVID-19;
  • protect against COVID-19 variants.

Walk-in clinics for both Astra Zeneca and Pfizer vaccinations are available for anyone aged 16 and over. See the full list of clinics.

Find out how to get vaccinated


Self Isolation support


Self-isolation support

You might be required to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace because:

  • you have tested positive for COVID-19;
  • you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive and you are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

You may be entitled to some financial support during your self-isolation period. Check if you're eligible for financial support.

We know self-isolation is hard. If you need help looking after your mental health, the NHS have lots of resources to help you manage your mental health.

Our Isle of Wight COVID-19 helpline is for anyone who needs information about COVID-19 or support because of self-isolation. If you are alone with no local network of friends, family or neighbours, please call (01983) 823600 to ask for help.

Read more about support for Islanders


COVID stats 28 September


Latest Island COVID-19 and vaccine statistics

These are the latest published vaccination and COVID-19 stats for the Isle of Wight, from NHS England and Public Health England, respectively. Read the full report.

The COVID-19 statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by Public Health England on 27 September 2021 at 6.50pm including data up to 26 September 2021.

The vaccination statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by NHS England on 23 September 2021 including data up to 19 September 2021.

The graphic shows:

  • 108,318 – The number of Island residents who have received their first dose of the vaccine.
  • 100,665 - The number of Island residents who have received their second dose of the vaccine.
  • 11,663 - The number of confirmed cases to date of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result since March 2020. This is based on the residential address of the person tested rather than where they are registered with a GP.
  • 415 - The number of positive cases in the seven-day period.
  • 291.6 - Weekly cases per 100,000. This is the number of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result in the seven-day period, divided by the total population of the total population of the Island.

Read the full COVID-19 report