Stay safe Isle of Wight
Please continue with the simple things that protect us all:
- Age 16 and over? Get fully vaccinated. Find out how to get vaccinated.
- Meet outdoors where possible and let fresh air into homes or other enclosed spaces.
- Wear a face covering in crowded areas such as public transport.
- Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day.
- Keep using the NHS COVID-19 app to check in to venues, record a test result or report symptoms.
- Limit the close contact you have with people you do not usually live with.
- Support local businesses and stick to their COVID-19 rules.
- Use the NHS COVID-19 Pass when asked to do so.
Self-isolation support
Our Isle of Wight COVID-19 helpline is for anyone who needs information about COVID-19 or support because of self-isolation. If you are alone with no local network of friends, family or neighbours, please call (01983) 823600 to ask for help.
If you’ve been asked to self-isolate or you need to look after a child who is self-isolating, check if you’re eligible for financial support.
Let's get back to the things we love
COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and offer the best protection against the virus.
To protect each other and get back to the things we love, get fully vaccinated.
There are walk-ins available in September for anyone aged 16 and over. See the full list.
Latest Island COVID-19 and vaccine statistics
These are the latest published vaccination and COVID-19 stats for the Isle of Wight, from NHS England and Public Health England, respectively. Read the full report.
The COVID-19 statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by Public Health England on 6 September 2021 at 4pm including data up to 5 September 2021.
The vaccination statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by NHS England on 2 September 2021 including data up to 29 August 2021.
The graphic shows:
- 107,831 – The number of Island residents who have received their first dose of the vaccine.
- 99,574 - The number of Island residents who have received their second dose of the vaccine.
- 10,435 - The number of confirmed cases to date of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result since March 2020. This is based on the residential address of the person tested rather than where they are registered with a GP.
- 429 - The number of positive cases in the seven-day period.
- 301.5 - Weekly cases per 100,000. This is the number of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result in the seven-day period, divided by the total population of the total population of the Island.