Isle of Wight Council news: 30 December 2020
Our Tier 3 status that came into force on Boxing Day has now been reviewed again to Tier 4: 'stay at home'. You must stay at home from 00.01am on 31 December 2020.
COVID-19 infection rates rose rapidly on the Island over the Christmas period; the highest levels that we've seen locally since the pandemic began.
We can all work together to help keep the Island safe by remembering:
hands - wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds;
face - wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet;
space - stay two metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or one metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings).
Opening a window for 15 minutes per day also helps to ventilate indoors areas and keep air circulating.
 Tier 4 is also known as alert level 'stay at home'. This is the most severe tier under the government's tiering system for COVID-19.
Tier 4 means the following:
- No household mixing apart from support bubbles.
- Two people can meet in public outdoor spaces.
- You can leave your home to exercise by yourself, with your household or support bubble, or with one person from another household. Outdoor sport allowed but gatherings limit applies except for youth and disabled sport.
- You must stay at home and only travel for work, education or other legally permitted reasons. If you must travel, you should stay local and reduce the number of journeys you make. You must not leave a Tier 4 area or stay overnight away from home.
- You can visit relatives in care homes with COVID-secure arrangements such as substantial screens, visiting pods, and window visits.
- The clinically extremely vulnerable are advised to stay at home as much as possible, except to go outdoors for exercise or to attend health appointments.
- Everyone must work from home unless they are unable to do so.
The following settings are closed:
- Non-essential retail (click and collect and delivery available);
- Hospitality (takeaway, drive-through and delivery available);
- Indoor leisure;
- Accommodation (limited exceptions apply);
- Personal care;
- Indoor entertainment.
Restrictions are in place for the following:
- Funerals; up to 30 people permitted.
- Wakes and other linked ceremonial events can continue in a group of up to six.
- Weddings of up to six can continue in exceptional circumstances.
- Some outdoor entertainment attractions may remain open.
- Places of worship are open for private prayer and communal worship, but cannot interact with anyone outside household or support bubble.
- Education; schools, colleges and universities.
- Early years settings; registered childcare, other supervised activities for childcare purposes. Childcare bubbles are permitted.
For further information on coronavirus on the Island, visit
Report COVID-19 breaches or raise concerns
Please contact if you have any concerns about COVID-secure arrangements relating to businesses, workplaces, events, scams or fraud.
Please report COVID-19 breaches to the Police online, including unlawful gatherings, positive cases not self-isolating, etc.
 To help keep the Island safe, and in line with our new Tier 4 restrictions, please stay at home to usher in the new year.
Simon Bryant, the council's director of public health, said: "We must bring the number of rising cases on the Island under control. We must be very cautious with what we do. You must stay at home. Celebrate the end of 2020 with your household or support bubble only.
"Please, for the safety of the Island, do not flout the rules or bend them to suit what you want to do. I know that this is a lot to ask and it is hard for people who want to see friends and family on New Year's Eve - but please don't meet up in person.
"We have the power to slow the spread of the virus through our own behaviours – it’s people and close contact that spread COVID-19 and why we’ve seen our cases rise – please make the right choice and stay at home.
"If you have symptoms, self-isolate - do not leave your home for any reason at all - and book a test. Test slots are released daily. The best time to book a test is around 8am or 8pm each day on the government website or by calling 119. You can also book home testing kits if you're unable to get a test at the testing site."
Self-isolation: stay at home
If you have been told to self isolate you must not return to work or school for ten days.
You can only leave your home to get a test. You must stay at home.
This applies even if you receive a negative COVID-19 test result during your isolation period.
COVID-19 symptoms
If you get any symptoms of COVID-19, self-isolate (stay at home) and book a free test straight away:
- A high temperature.
- A new, continuous cough.
- A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
The Isle of Wight COVID-19 testing centre is at:
- Newclose Cricket Ground, Blackwater Road, Newport PO30 3BE
The testing centre is open Monday to Saturday 9am to 2.30pm. It is closed on Sunday.
Book a COVID-19 test
- You can book a test online at
- You can book a test via the NHS COVID-19 app on your mobile phone
- You can call 119 to book a test if you can't get online.
Please do not travel on public transport or travel to the mainland to get a test.
You can book a postal test if you need to.
Get more information about testing for coronavirus on the UK government website.
For further information on coronavirus on the Island, visit
 These are the latest published COVID-19 stats for the Isle of Wight, from Public Health England.
You can read the full COVID-19 data report on our website.
The graphic shows the COVID-19 statistics for the Isle of Wight, published by Public Health England on 29 December 2020 including data up to 28 December 2020.
The graphic shows:
1,517 - The number of confirmed cases to date of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result since March 2020. This is based on the residential address of the person tested rather than where they are registered with a GP.
246 - The number of positive cases in the seven-day period.
227.1 - Weekly cases per 100,000. This is the number of Island residents who have received a positive COVID-19 test result in the seven-day period, divided by the total population of the Island.
It is vital we all continue to follow the government guidelines during national restrictions: hands, face, space.
- Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser regularly.
- Wear a face-covering where appropriate.
- Keep space from other people; two metres or at least one metre apart.
 If you need help or support over the festive period, someone will be available to listen, to empathise and reassure.
Support is available 24 hours a day across the entire festive season – including New Year’s Day.
Useful numbers:
- Coronavirus helpline: (01983) 823600
- Samaritans: (01983) 116123
- NHS 111
- Mountbatten's Keep Connected helpline (offers friendly volunteers who can share your troubles and experiences): (01983) 217297.
Local community hubs, local organisations and national charities are also providing support during this time. Check the Community Action IW website to find out where local support is available and when during the festive season.
No matter when, you will not be alone.
We are sending this news bulletin to everyone who has subscribed to Isle of Wight Council e-newsletter updates. We don't do this very often, but we want to get these messages out to as many people as possible during the current pandemic.
This news update is separate to our usual community e-newsletter for the Isle of Wight, The Island, which will resume in 2021.
If you know people who will find this information valuable, please send it on to them and encourage them to sign up for updates themselves.
We'll be sending out these updates to our usual subscriber lists, including:
- The Island;
- Business news;
- Additional council topics;
- Recycling, waste and environment.
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