Temperature: guidance on working in cold and wintry weather


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Health and Safety Executive

Temperature at work ebulletin

Issued: 18 November 2024

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Guidance on working in cold and wintry weather

Make sure you protect workers during low temperatures and wintry conditions.

As winter starts to take hold, you can find helpful advice from HSE on keeping people as comfortable as possible when working in the cold.

Our website offers information and guidance including:

In addition, our workplace temperature checklist will help you carry out a basic risk assessment.

Preventing slips, trips and falls

Darker evenings and colder weather can increase the risk of slips, trips and falls in the workplace.

Protect your workers by considering the risks and putting measures in place to reduce them. Visit our website to:

Our general guidance on slips and trips also provides plenty of information and resources on how to avoid these accidents in and around the workplace.

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