Biocides: EU active substance expiry dates and renewal submission deadline


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Health and Safety Executive

Biocides ebulletin

Issued: 9 September 2024

This ebulletin contains information on regulating biocides in Northern Ireland (NI).

EU active substance expiry dates

Biocidal products must be phased off the NI market

The active substance/product type combinations listed below are due to expire under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR) on the following date. This affects NI:

  • Iodine (CAS 7553-56-2 EC 231-442-4) in product types 1, 4 and 22
    31 August 2025

  • n-Decanoic acid (decanoic acid) (CAS 334-48-5 EC 206-376-4) in product types 18 and 19
    31 August 2025

  • n-Octanoic acid (octanoic acid) (CAS 124-07-2 EC 204-677-5) in product type 18
    31 August 2025

  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine (CAS 25655-41-8 EC 607-771-8) in product types 4 and 22
    31 August 2025

Once the approvals expire, the active substances will no longer be able to be used in biocidal products of the relevant product types in NI. In addition, articles treated with such products will no longer be able to be placed on the market in NI.

If you hold an affected EU BPR product authorisation or Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR) product approval, we will contact you about cancelling or revoking your authorisation or approval. You will have an opportunity to submit comments or additional information and we will take account of these when finalising our decision.

If you are aware of any disproportionate negative impacts that are likely to arise from the expiry of any of the active substance/product type combinations listed above, please contact us.

EU active substance renewal submission deadline

Apply for active substance renewal by the deadline to keep products on the NI market

Under the EU BPR, active substance approvals will expire unless a renewal application is submitted to ECHA at least 550 days before their expiry date.

The 550-day deadline is coming up for the following active substance/product type combination under EU BPR. This affects NI.

  • Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, strain ABTS-351 (CAS N/A EC N/A) in product type 18
    27 August 2025

Any person, company or task force/consortium can support an active substance/product type combination for renewal – it doesn’t have to be the original supporter.

Check the EU Article 95 List to see who the original supporters were

If this active substance/product type combination is important to you, consider contacting your supplier to let them know.

If a renewal application is not submitted for the above active substance/product type combination under EU BPR, the approval will expire. This means the active substance will no longer be able to be used in biocidal products of the relevant product type in NI.

In addition, articles treated with such products will no longer be able to be placed on the market in NI.