Building Safety ebulletin: ICC members and Chair selected | High-rise residential buildings registration clinics

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Building Safety ebulletin

Industry Competence Committee members and Chair selected

Jon Vanstone

Industry members and a Chair have been appointed to the new Industry Competence Committee (ICC). Its first meeting will be held this month.

HSE has recently set up and appointed industry members and appointed Jon Vanstone as Chair to the new ICC.


The ICC will have a role in advising both the built environment industry and BSR within HSE on matters of competence.


Read more about the ICC and hear from Chair Jon Vanstone

Building registration - invoicing now available

'Did you know?' graphic

Following feedback from users we have now introduced an invoicing option to the registration portal as an alternative to making a card payment.

You can now use the invoicing option to complete your registration applications now and pay at a later date.


However, payments must be made within 30 days and your application will not be assessed until payment is received.


For more helpful information on the registration process, check out our ‘Did You Know? campaign page.

High-rise residential buildings - registration clinics

We’re holding a series of webinars and clinics throughout September to help Principal Accountable Persons better understand the high-rise buildings registration process and get help on any issues they are experiencing while using the service.

The deadline to register high-rise residential buildings is by 1 October 2023.


It is an offence to allow residents to occupy an unregistered building after midnight on 30 September 2023.

Philip White programme update

Philip White

Building Safety Director for HSE, Philip White, has expressed his confidence in the delivery programme and stringent work schedule to set up the new regulator within HSE.                         

In a recent blog article, Philip provided a positive update on BSR’s remit and regime being on track to meet agreed timelines.


Read the full blog


For more BSR blogs and news stories, visit our website's news page

Building Control – secondary legislation & new guidance update

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has published a suite of secondary legislation which applies to the new building control framework.

We have developed additional new guidance (.pdf) to help navigate the legislation which provides an overview of the new regime.


This includes what we are doing to prepare and what is changing ahead of the legislation coming into force on 1 October 2023.

Participate in user research for BSR

HSE are working with PA Consulting on the design of new digital services and are running testing until the end of September 2023.

Do you expect to interact with the following BSR digital services either professionally through your work, as a resident of a high-rise or higher-risk building, or as a member of the public?

  • apply for building control approval for higher-risk buildings
  • register as a building inspector
  • contact the Building Safety Regulator
  • submit a mandatory occurrence notice and report
  • apply for a building assessment certificate

If you think that you will be using any of these BSR services, we would like to invite you to take part in testing the first iteration ahead of the public launch. 


You can do the testing in your own time and will be asked to complete a short feedback survey afterwards.


To take part, please register your interest.


If you have any questions about the above, please contact

New BSR careers page

We have recently launched a new careers microsite which will house all opportunities and information related to working within BSR.

If you are interested in playing a role in helping deliver the change needed to ensure residents are safe and feel safe in their homes:

You can get all the latest news and updates from HSE across a range of industries and topics.

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