ISSUED: UK SMI S12: Sepsis and systemic or disseminated infections

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Dear UK SMI Subscriber,

We are pleased to inform you that the following UK SMI has been issued.

UK SMI S12: Sepsis and systemic or disseminated infections issue 1, Review of Users Comments (ISSUED). Comments received as part of the consultation process for the development of the UK SMI can be seen in the associated Review of Users Comments document.

Please view the link to the PDF version. We are unable to publish the PDF version of this document on the GOV.UK website due to the accessibility requirements for public sector bodies which impact on the content and style of the UK SMIs. 

The document replaces UK SMI B37: Investigation of blood cultures (for organisms other than Mycobactreium species). We are in the process of amending the webpage to remove UK SMI B37 issue 8.2 which may take some time. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to seek a permanent solution to ensure optimal and user-friendly documents are available to you, potentially through an alternative web presence.

Please contact the Standards Unit for any queries.


UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations

Standards Unit

UK Health Security Agency 

Tel: 0208 327 6478 Follow us on Twitter@UKHSA


UK SMIs can be accessed via the following link: UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations