Help someone with mental health problems by volunteering for the Linked Minds befriending project
![Roger and Shivam]( Befriending charity BEfriend is looking for volunteers for Linked Minds, its befriending service for people in Hounslow who are experiencing loneliness due to a diagnosed mental health problem.
Volunteers with Linked Minds meet with people who are lonely. They meet for an hour or two a week to have a chat and strike up a friendship. This moving video highlights the relationship between a volunteer, Shivam and Roger. Roger says Shivam’s visits "fuel me for the rest of the week".
Jobs that make a difference - find out more
![Stepping into support]( Are you interested in a career that makes a difference to people's lives? Join Work Hounslow's Stepping into Support career event, featuring partner charities Certitude, St Mungo’s and Thames Reach.
The event will be held on Thursday, 9 January on the sixth floor at Hounslow House, from 10am to 1pm. Attendees can take part in employer talks, discuss live job opportunities in one-to-one meetings with employers, join live Q&A sessions and more.
DFN Project SEARCH Open Day
![DFN open day]( Do you know a young person with a learning disability or autism that is interested in Hounslow’s award-winning DFN Project SEARCH supported internship?
Why not invite them to an Open Day at Hounslow House (sixth floor) on Monday, 13 January from 5pm until 7.30pm to find out about exciting opportunities in 2025?
For further information and an e-form to express interest, email:
Prioritise your health to thrive in ‘25
![Thrive in snow]( The new year is a time to focus on you. Whether you want to quit smoking, manage your weight, or get active, Healthy Hounslow offers all the tools and support you need to make lasting changes.
And with Healthy Hounslow’s collaboration with BetterPoints, you can get rewards for making positive changes in January.
So every 10 minutes of walking, cycling, running will not only help your physical and mental health, it will also take you one step closer to vouchers you can spend on the high street. Download the BetterPoints app to get involved.
Getting ready for Reception
![Reception]( If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, they'll be starting Reception in September 2025. The deadline to submit your primary school application is Wednesday, 15 January 2025. Applying on time is crucial for your child’s education journey. If you miss the deadline, you may find your options limited, with fewer schools having available spaces by the time your application is reviewed.
The Hounslow Admissions Team is available to provide guidance and support throughout the application process. You can contact them on 020 8583 2711 or via email at
Information session for young people with SEND
![DFN info session]( To support young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to prepare for adulthood, the Council will host an online information and guidance session on Wednesday, 22 January for young people and their families and carers.
Attendees will learn about the free support and opportunities provided by the Community Provisions team, the DFN Project SEARCH supported internship and more.
HAY there, future entrepreneurs
Do you know a young person aged 16-24, not in employment, education, or training?
Hounslow Action for Youth's Entrepreneurship Programme will run every Wednesday between 10.30am and 1.30pm from 5 February to 2 April 2025 for those who want to learn how to develop a business idea and turn it into a reality.
To join the programme, sign up by Thursday, 23 January 2025 by calling Bijal Karavadra on 0779 3210 283 or email at
Young people can join a drop-in session on Tuesday, 14 January, 3-4pm in Classroom 2 of Hounslow House Library to find out more about the programme.
Stay Steady and Active
Residents aged 60 plus are invited to the first 2025 Stay Steady and Active event, where they can enjoy FREE taster activity sessions, speak to a physio, get a blood pressure test, or FREE Health Check, learn new ways to increase activity levels and test balance abilities.
The event is on Wednesday 22 January, 10am – 1pm, Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre, 658 Chiswick High Road, Brentford, TW8 0HJ
FREE activities include:
- Strength and balance classes
- Dance classes
- EGYM sessions
- And more
Change your world in 2025
![Green skills bootcamp Q&A]( Do you have a passion for working outdoors and caring for our environment?
If you are unemployed, join the Council's free Green Skills Bootcamp to learn a new trade and get a guaranteed job interview.
Sign up to the Q&A session on Wednesday, 22 January, 10am -11am, to find out more about the bootcamp.