Children known to Social Care and Vulnerable Groups
Mathematics in the Early Years
Childminder Padlet
The Feltham Early Years Network
Ofsted webinars for Early Years Providers
Children known to Social Care and Vulnerable (SCV) Groups
As new cohorts of children join your provision, please remember to inform your allocated advisors of any children known to Social Care, or vulnerable children who are attending your setting. This ensures we can review and support all our most vulnerable children that attend our Early Years provision in Hounslow.
The SCV process covers children who are;
assessed as being in need under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, including children and young people who have:
a child in need plan
a child protection plan
a looked after child
known previously to Social Care or children who you consider to be vulnerable.
Mathematics in the Early Years
To help incorporate maths in your indoor and outdoor environments, a new document has been created to provide you with a range of ideas that could be used.
It is important for you and your team to regularly reflect on your learning environments.
Is there anything that you could do better to incorporate maths in your planned activities and everyday provision?
These ideas will hopefully give you some inspiration for your maths curriculum and provision.
Did you know we have an online portal of information, knowledge and resources to help guide you within your childminding practice that is called the childminder padlet? It includes links to training you may be interested in, government documents that have been updated recently and a variety of news articles or blogs you may wish to follow for more information.
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