Hounslow to benefit from new mental health cafe
Children and young people in Hounslow will benefit from the opening of a new mental health cafe designed specifically for their needs.
The service called The Circle provides drop-in and appointment-based specialist mental health support for anyone under 18, all year round.
Situated on South Ealing Road, in Ealing, the new service is a partnership between Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Mind (HFEH Mind) in partnership with NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across North West London.
Circle has been designed to create a welcoming, calm, and safe space with cafe facilities for local children and young people. The service is staffed with both clinical and non-clinical highly specialised staff.
Special Waste Service enforcement success captured by BBC
 Sabeel Khan – Head of Highways PFI at Hounslow Council – recently featured in the BBC’s Defenders documentary on how we are successfully clamping down on fly tipping in Hounslow. With fly tipping decreasing by 20 per cent in 2022, Sabeel played a starring role in the documentary with the SWS Enforcement Team. You can watch the documentary here.
Bin it the right way with our bulky waste service
 We all want to ensure that Hounslow is as green and clean as possible.
A big part of keeping our borough free from illegal clutter is knowing how to dispose of our large household items. Our Bulky Waste collection service is a cost-effective and convenient method for the removal of items that are too big for the normal household waste collection bin.
If you need to dispose of your old mattress, furniture, fridges or freezers, do it the right way. If it’s your waste, it’s your responsibility.
Get in shape with cut price gym fees with Lampton Leisure
 Lampton Leisure, the sports and leisure firm for the borough of Hounslow is offering Gold level membership currently at the cut-price of £39.99 per month instead of £53.80.
Lampton Leisure has a great range of no contract, flexible memberships to suit your needs.
Choose your preferred option and join online or at one of its centres on a monthly direct debit.
Alternatively, you may prefer to join on an annual membership and get 12 months for the price of ten.
Boost your digital skills at Hounslow House
Hounslow Gets Digital is a one-day takeover of the ground floor of Hounslow House on Friday, 17 February, 10am to 4pm, aimed at helping to boost digital inclusion across the borough and provide you with the skills to get online and excel.
We will be joined with a range of local partners and digital service providers in a marketplace style event to showcase the fantastic range of offer available such as how to access a social tariff to make your broadband deal cheaper.
You can drop-in and join us at any time.
 This is Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week.
We have been raising awareness of the support available for victims and survivors as well as preventative work. Sexual violence and abuse can take many forms, this week, and every week, we are here for you.
Caretaker wins prestigious industry award
 One of the Council’s caretaking team, Tina Memory, has won a prestigious industry award from the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICS).
The Council’s caretaking team play a vital role on our estates, ensuring they are in a good and safe condition, and work tirelessly to support residents.
Tina is a Team Leader for the central caretaking team and has worked for the Council for 22 years. In 2019, the Council became accredited members of the BICS, and Tina became an accredited assessor to train other caretakers to reach an internationally recognised standard of cleaning, which became vital during the pandemic.
Her commitment and passion for helping others led to her being recognised and proudly winning on behalf of Hounslow, the international BICS Assessor of the Year award, which acknowledges the success of an individual assessor who has demonstrated an outstanding level of passion, professionalism, and commitment to excellence for their students and themselves.
Cllr Sue Sampson, Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Homelessness, paid tribute to Tina and the entire caretaking team at the last borough council meeting. Watch it here from 16:23.
COVID-19 booster scheme to close; get vaccinated now
The government has announced that the Autumn COVID-19 booster programme will come to a close on Sunday, 12 February.
This means that after this date some groups will no longer be eligible to receive a free booster vaccination.
Hounslow Council and its partners are urging residents to act now to ensure they get fully protected against the virus before the closing date.
Having a COVID-19 booster remains the best protection for yourself, your family and the community. The booster will reduce your chances of becoming seriously ill and needing hospital treatment if you catch the virus.
This will help to relieve pressure on vital local NHS services. Eligible groups will still be entitled to the first and second doses of the COVID vaccine.
Exciting new community arts project at Digital Dock
 Brentford is steeped in a rich history from Syon House, King George VIII, the grand canals and docks, Pocahontas, Shakespeare at the Market Town Inn and much more.
We are inviting residents to take part in an exciting new community arts project to create a mosaic that celebrates Brentford.
Working with local artist Susie John, nearby schools, and residents, this community arts project will produce a beautiful mosaic to celebrate the past and present of Brentford and discuss how the local community feel about their new Brentford. The creation will then be placed on display at the Digital Dock, the Council’s co-working space.
Join us for the final part of the Arts Moscia Project on Monday, 13 February, 10.30am-12.30pm at Brentford’s Digital Dock, 205 High Street Brentford, TW8 8AH. It’s free and all ages are welcome.
 Did you know that funding of up to £10,000 is available for events and activities to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles II from the National Lottery ‘Awards for All’ programme?
Community groups are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Although there is no deadline for applying to the National Lottery for funds, it will take up to 12 weeks from the point of application submission to receiving funding if successful. Applications for events held over the Coronation weekend should then be made before mid-February.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has also recently launched a Coronation website which includes information for getting involved, a toolkit including templates, a Coronation playlist and a form for submitting your events.