Hounslow Matters Newsletter: 27 November 2020

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London Borough of Hounslow
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                                  27 November 2020

Local Tier 2 restrictions

Tier 2 restrictions

Yesterday, the Government announced new local restrictions, effective from 2 December.

Hounslow and the rest of London fall under Tier 2 High Alert restrictions.

Familiarise yourself with the new rules and what they mean for you. 

Wash your hands regularly. Wear a face covering. Keep a safe distance from others.

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Launch of Aviation Communities Taskforce

Aviation communities

Hounslow Council is leading national calls for aviation communities support, launching a national Aviation Communities Taskforce.

Asking Government to support communities across the UK devastated by the aviation downturn, the Taskforce will examine impacts of reduced activity in aviation for airport communities and call for dedicated financial support though an Aviation Communities Fund. 

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Hounslow’s Food Emissions plan among UK's best

Food waste

Hounslow has been recognised as having one of the UK's best climate emergency action plans for tackling food waste emissions.

New research by Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming, found just one third of climate emergency action plans contain new or significant proposals to tackle food-related emissions and only 13 out of 92 plans contain proposals to tackle food emissions at the scale needed.

Two thirds of plans miss out food and farming, despite the sector creating 20-30 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions.

However, Hounslow has been encouraging food production and an increase in food waste recycling across a comprehensive blueprint to reduce carbon emissions across all sectors and food waste is a key part of that.

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National Tree Week

National Tree Week

National Tree Week, (28 November to 6 December) begins tomorrow, it is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration marking the start of the winter tree planting season (November to March each year). 

National Tree Week encourages people to think about, celebrate and explore the beauty and necessity of the UK’s trees. Hounslow is one of London's greenest boroughs, comprising of parks, open spaces, allotments and street verges. Trees are vital to our borough, giving us oxygen, absorbing carbon, stabilising the soil and giving life to the local wildlife.

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Got COVID-19 symptoms? Get tested now.

Coronavirus mobile testing

It is vital to get tested if you think you have symptoms.

And remember, you must self-isolate until you get a negative result. 

range of Covid-19 tests are available - you can; 

  • Order a home test kit 
  • Go to a local walk-through test centre in Feltham and Heston, or 
  • Visit a Mobile Testing Site

You can't access a test without booking in advance online or by calling 119.

You should only book a test if you have symptoms or have been asked to book by the Council or a hospital.

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Have you had your free Flu jab?

Get your Flu Jab

The flu jab is FREE if you have a learning disability. It’s the best protection for you and those around you. Contact your pharmacist or GP in Hounslow today.


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West Middlesex Hospital continues to provide usual services

West Middlesex Hospital

West Middlesex Hospital was in the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, and continues to provide its usual NHS services.

It is important to get the help you need, and take up appointments tests and procedures when offered.

The hospital has been reconfigured and strict policies implemented to ensure visitors are will safe from infection. 

Both the Urgent Treatment Centre and Emergency Department are fully open.

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Young Carers thanked and celebrated for their invaluable contribution

Hounslow Carers

The invaluable role of young carers is being celebrated in Hounslow as part of Carers Rights Day (26 November). 

If you are a carer – or you know someone who is – the first step to finding support is to visit www.hounslow.gov.uk/carers. You can also sign up to the Council’s dedicated carer newsletter.

There’s a range of support available for carers in Hounslow.

  • Carer support groups
  • Carer information sessions
  • Respite support

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Hounslow goes electric on wood chippers

Hounslow Highways electric wood chipper

Hounslow Highways has added the country's first electric chipper into a growing list of electrical tools, equipment and plant.

The chipper’s lithium-ion technology proves that ‘greener’ doesn’t mean less efficient or less effective as it matches motor-driven machines in power and performance. 


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Apply for your child's Primary School place

Primary school applications

If your child was born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017, they will need a Reception class place in September 2021.

Applications close on 15 January 2021.

Don't miss out, it's quick and easy to apply online.

Apply now

Last chance to share your views on our Green Infrastructure Strategy

Hounslow parks

Hounslow is a green borough. With over 200 parks, many green spaces and waterways and over 100,000 trees, our green infrastructure has endless potential to provide a wide range of valuable health, social and environmental benefits to people in the borough.

Our new strategy will determine how best to increase and improve our green infrastructure and we want to hear your views to inform it. The survey closes on Monday 30 November.

Complete the survey

Hounslow Matters survey

Hounslow Matters survey

Our Hounslow Matters magazine is delivered to all residents four times a year. We want to make sure that it provides you with information you care about.

We want to get your views on its design, content, length - everything. The survey closes on 31 December. 

Complete the survey


Hounslow Food Box

Hounslow Christmas Food Box

This Christmas, Hounslow Community Foodbox are collecting food donations to help families in need across our borough. 

More people than ever will need help this Christmas. Hounslow Community Foodbox wants to ensure everyone has something to brighten up their Christmas.

If you’d like to donate, Food Box will be collecting at Morrison’s in Brentford (228-246 High Street, Brentford, TW8 0AB) on:

  • Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 December
  • Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 December

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Calling on schools to share their children’s talents

Hounslow's school have talent

Join ‘Hounslow Schools Have Talent’ and help spread festive cheer across the borough.

It’s a great opportunity to raise school profiles and much-needed money. The videos will be shared on the Council’s social media accounts in the run-up to Christmas.

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#SaveWatermans Emergency Appeal

Watermans crowd funder

Watermans Arts Centre delivers indoor and outdoor community arts projects across Hounslow, and cinema, theatre and gallery activity in Brentford.

They have suffered from the pandemic with the rest of the arts sector.

They are working hard to access all the government support they can, but this is not enough to secure their future.

They have launched a crowdfunder to raise £60,000 to #SaveWatermans. Times are tough but if you can give, please check out their crowdfunding page - and share it far and wide.

Donate here

Virtual cross country

Virtual cross country

London Youth Games have launched the London Youth Games Virtual Cross Country. 

It's the perfect virtual event designed to keep you active during winter and with COVID-19 restrictions in place. Run your distance and submit your time to score points for the borough. The event is open to all young people to compete across four age groups: U11, U13, U15 and U17.

Points are scored for participation and performance. Entries close on Sunday 6 December.

Get involved


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The Council has a coronavirus advice webpage which is updated daily with the latest local information for residents and businesses. 

Advice in accessible formats and different languages

You can also follow us on social media using the links below. 

The latest information on coronavirus in general is available on the Government’s website. 

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