URGENT COVID-19 UPDATE - reissue with fixed links

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New national lockdown

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New national lockdown rules

Cllr Curran

A message from Cllr. Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council

The Prime Minister yesterday announced plans for new lockdown measures for England.

They will be published this Tuesday and MPs will vote on them on Wednesday.

If they are approved, they will come into force on Thursday, 5th November, and be expected to last until Wednesday, 2nd December.

As they stand, the new measures would include:



  • All pubs and restaurants to close, though takeaways and deliveries will be permitted.
  • All non-essential retail to close.
  • No mixing of people inside homes, except for childcare and other forms of support.
  • Schools, universities and courts will remain open.
  • Manufacturing and construction will be encouraged to keep going.
  • Outbound international travel will be banned, except for work.
  • Travel within the UK will be discouraged, except for work.
  • Overnight stays away from home will be allowed only for work purposes.
  • Outdoor exercise and recreation will be encouraged.
  • Private prayer will continue in places of worship, but not services. 
  • The furlough scheme will be extended until December.

More information on the proposed new restrictions is available on the Government’s website. For now, London remains in Tier 2 restrictions.

I know this is a very difficult and worrying time for many residents and businesses. We must all pull together over the tough month ahead, as we have done throughout this pandemic, and support each other.

London’s councils were not aware of the Government’s proposals until they were announced. However, be assured that we have been preparing for stricter measures and plans are in place. Our number one priority remains protecting our most vulnerable residents and, alongside our partners, we'll be doing all we can to support our local communities and businesses.

As more details of the new measures are provided, we’ll share them with you and make them as clear as we can. Everyone has a personal responsibility to follow these measures to help keep themselves and other safe, so please do read through them.

The coronavirus section of our website - www.hounslow.gov.uk/coronavirus - will be regularly updated with the latest information and advice, as will our social media channels.

Keep following the Tier 2 guidance for now, and stay safe.

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