Parish/Neighbourhood Councils Bulletin - November 2023

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      November 2023

Your monthly round-up of Horsham District Council news and decisions, upcoming events, meetings and PR stories.

Local Plan - Key Dates

As you will be aware, Horsham District Council is continuing to progress its local plan review. 

We have set out some key dates below for your information:

1 December 2023:
Local Plan and Agendas become public - the draft Regulation 19 Local Plan text will be published as part of the Cabinet and Council agendas. You will be able to access the papers below:

Local Plan and Agendas

11 December 2023:
Cabinet and Council meetings – The Local Plan will be considered by the Cabinet, and then, if recommended by Cabinet to Council will be considered by all Members at the Council meeting on the same evening. You will be able to watch the Council meeting via link below:

Watch Council meeting here

19 January 2024 to 1 March 2024:
Regulation 19
Representation Period - If agreed by Council on 11 December 2023, the Local Plan will be published for a formal six week period of Representation between these dates. As we will be entering the formal plan preparation period, we are unable to offer flexibility in the timing of the receipt of representations. However, we wanted to give you as much advance notice of the formal period of representations as possible to enable your Parish and Neighbourhood Councils time to make the necessary arrangements so that if your Council wishes to respond, those responses can be prepared and submitted during the representation period.

If agreed for publication, Parishes will be formally notified of the commencement of the Local Plan Representation period in due course.  We are however aware that many Parishes may wish to start considering the content of the draft Local Plan prior to the commencement of any agreed consultation.  You will be able to do this by using the Cabinet Agenda documentation from the beginning of December using the website link above.  

Standards/Code of Conduct training

Standards specialists Hoey & Ainscough will provide a training session on Standards/Code of Conduct on Thursday 30 November at 5.30 pm.

The session will be run remotely and all District and Parish Councillors are invited to attend.

It would be appreciated if you could advise Councillors to note this date and time.

Further details will follow.

Parish/Neighbourhood Council Planning Training

You can now view the recording of the Parish and Neighbourhood Council training session that took place on 19 October below.

Please accept our apologies for the technical issues that were experienced on the night. The recording will have no sound until 7 minutes into the recording and the training will re-commence at around 8 minutes. Discussions have taken place internally regarding the feedback you have provided and we will consider carefully how we carry out future training. We need to be mindful that the ground floor of Parkside and the equipment within it is owned by West Sussex County Council who own the building.

Planning Training

Water Neutrality updates

If you would like to sign up for updates about the West Sussex local authority water neutrality scheme - Sussex North Offsetting Water Scheme (SNOWS) add your details to the link below to receive a copy of the newsletter.

Sign up

Elections Act update

From 31 October 2023, voters are able to apply for a postal or proxy vote online, on the Government website. Voters will now need to provide their National Insurance number as part of their application, as an additional security measure. Anyone who is unable to provide a National Insurance number will be able to provide additional evidence, in order to complete the necessary checks. The online form also requires voters to upload their signature, and guidance for this is provided. Paper application forms will continue to be accepted.

A further change to postal voting, under the Elections Act, is that voters can only apply for a postal vote for a maximum period of 3 years. Voters that apply for a postal vote for the maximum period will be asked to reapply every 3 years to retain their postal vote.

There are further changes under the Elections Act, including to overseas voter registration and EU voter rights. An update will be provided in relation to each of these elements at the appropriate time.

Horsham BID

Over the past year, a group of Horsham businesses, called the Horsham Business Initiative, has progressed a Business Improvement District (BID) for Horsham town centre. All eligible businesses in the BID (town centre) area are able to vote in the ballot, which began this month. Voting will end on 30 November 2023.

The projects the Business Improvement Initiative intends to deliver if it receives a positive ballot result, have been worked up following extensive discussions with the business community within the proposed BID area. They include the provision of town centre ambassadors who will work alongside our Neighbourhood Wardens to make visitors and businesses feel welcome and safe, developing and marketing the Horsham brand, improving wayfinding for pedestrians, working with Horsham District Council to pilot parking offers at quieter times of the year (to be funded by the BID levy), running events to attract people to the town focussing on drawing customers into businesses to supplement the community focussed events already being co-ordinated by this Council, and providing support to businesses through joint purchasing and lobbying, in order to reduce their costs.

The result of the ballot, will be announced on 1 December 2023 in the town centre.

Recent Council decisions

Click here for all recent Council decisions

Cabinet member decisions

Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture & Green Spaces:  
Contract Award- Hills Cemetery extension roadway

Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Recycling & Waste:
Purchase of three new electric powered vehicles

Meetings in November

Empty meeting room

Click on the meeting name to view full details.


Thursday 23 November, 5.30pm
Main Conference Room

Extraordinary Council

Thursday 23 November, 6.30pm
Main Conference Room

Governance Committee

Monday 27 November, 5.30pm
Main Conference Room

Standards Committee

Wednesday 29 November, 5.30pm
Main Conference Room

Additions to Forward Plan

Horsham District Local Plan

Shelley memorial partnership

Creation of new HoS post

Wells Cottages

Read the November Forward Plan

In the media

A round-up of the latest news releases issued to media. All stories are uploaded to Horsham District Council's website and have been shared on the Horsham DC social media channels.  Below is just a selection.

Council Plan

New Council Plan to deliver fresh vision for Horsham District

At a Horsham District Council meeting on 11 October, councillors adopted a new Council Plan which sets out a fresh vision and corporate priorities for the Council for the next four years.

Magic Displays

Enter your business into the Christmas Magic Displays Competition

As part of its ‘Buy Local Gift Happy’ campaign, Horsham District Council is now inviting entries from independent businesses across Horsham District for its Christmas Magic Displays Competition.


Smartphone app launched in Horsham to crackdown on business crime

Horsham Town Centre was delighted to host Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne recently as she met members of the newly formed Horsham District Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) and helped to launch a new Smartphone app to crackdown on business crime.

Other headlines in October

Read all Council news

Chairman's engagements

Chairman Cllr Dr David Skipp wearing the Chairman's chains

23 November
St Catherine's Hospice
- New hospice opening at Grace Holland Avenue, Pease Pottage

24 November
West Sussex High Sheriff’s Judges Day service at Chichester Cathedral

25 November
Raffle draw at Horsham Fair Trade Christmas Market

Your feedback

Smiley chart graphic

Any suggestions for the bulletin?

Please email with your thoughts and ideas on how we may improve this bulletin and make it more useful for you. Thank you.