WOW Week 1

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Health and Wellbeing

Weight Off Workshop Session 1


Well done for coming along to the first session

We know it can be a bit daunting to join a new group but hopefully because you are all in the same position and share the same overall goal, and you now know what to expect you feel at ease now.

Each week you will receive one of these updates which will contain a review of what was covered in the session, some helpful hints and tips to keep you on track and some useful links to resources you may find helpful.


PowerPoint Slides

To save you taking notes we are uploading the session slides every week!

Session One


Key Points

To recap a couple of the things we covered this week:

1. We are focusing on sustainable weight loss, therefore this is not a diet programme

2. Each session will include a measurement check, journal and targets review and groups discussions and tasks

3. You must be able to attend at least 9 out of the 12 sessions

Your weight loss target

For sustainable weight loss, you should be aiming to lose 1-2lb per week or 0.5-1kg per week.

Now we have your starting weight from session one we will record this on your weight loss tracker card which we will send out in the post. 

Weight tracker card

Know your numbers

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy. It determines whether your height and weight are in proportion.

For most adults, an ideal BMI is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range. You can use the NHS BMI Calculator to find out if you're a healthy weight... 

BMI Calculator

Waist Measurement image

Find out your size

Regardless of your height or BMI, waist measurements are important for assessing the level of fat that's stored around your middle. 

Increased fat around this area can be an indication of having a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Find out More

We have also made a handy BMI chart for you to keep as a reference, based on an adults range. 

BMI Chart

For adults who are overweight or obese, losing even a little excess weight has health benefits. You’ll lower your risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Weight loss can also improve back and joint pain. Most people feel better when they lose excess weight.


Achieve your Goals

It’s incredibly important to set detailed goals to help you along your journey to weight loss and leading a healthy lifestyle.These help to keep you on track and motivate you. 

The link below will give you an example of a 'Smart Goal'. Aim to use this for any goal you want to achieve on this course and beyond.


Food diary

Create your own food diary

Keeping a food diary is a great way to monitor your weight loss journey. It can help you recognise emotional issues contributing to your weight-loss efforts and can improve overall nutrition whilst pinpointing any food intolerance's.

Find out how keeping a diary can benefit you: 

Keeping a Diary

We have created a 7 day food planner to print out and fill in to keep you on track. We've also added in any physical activity you might do and how many drinks you consume. 



Healthy cooking

Good food is essential to good health and weight loss. A balanced diet will not only keep you healthy but also reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

Each week we will be sharing recipes for you to try that are easy, quick and tasty! 

To start off week one, have a go at a nutritional breakfast.

We recommend the meals on the NHS website. They have put together healthy easy-to-do recipes that will keep you full until lunchtime including: 

Energy-boosting breakfasts, protein-packed breakfasts, lighter bites, 5-minute breakfasts and weekend treats.

Healthy Breakfast Recipes


Keep Active

Staying active is not only helpful for weight loss but also maintaining weight loss. It will also increase your energy levels, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and strengthen your bones, muscles and joints. 

Each week we will be sharing workouts you can do at home called 'Exercise Challenge of the week.'

Have a go at your first one here*: 

Workout Session

*Please read the exercise disclaimer on page 3

Summary & Resources 

Start by setting a well thought out, manageable way to a healthy lifestyle. For that to happen, it’s going back to basics. In the upcoming newsletters we will be exploring topics such as nutrition, portions, quantities and exercise.

To kick start your first week, try establishing a routine where you are accountable to yourself.

We have designed two booklets to help you along with this course.

  • Exercise booklet – A range of simple exercises, with diagrams, that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Suitable for all abilities.
  • Recipe booklet – Contains a range of simple recipes, meal planning ideas and recipe resources.

(Each booklet costs £3.00 and are available from your course leader.)

Horsham Wellbeing Services Guide

Services Guide

We have recently updated our Services Guide to reflect a number of new services we are now able to offer including:

∙ NHS Health Checks*

∙ Smoking

∙ Alcohol Advice 

Services Guide

*not currently available due to government guidelines but you can be added to a waiting list