Memorandum of Understanding with HMPPS
We’ve jointly published a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which formalises the shared risk and responsibility between HMCTS and HMPPS during the ‘virtual custody’ of prisoners involved in remote hearings on the Video Hearing Service. It also covers preceding private consultations with legal representatives.
How to join a hearing on the Video Hearing Service
HMCTS use Cloud Video Platform (CVP) and the Video Hearings Service to facilitate remote hearings. If you receive a letter confirming that your hearing will take place on the Video Hearings Service an email will follow with more information and your log in details. Please read and follow the guidance, including to sign into your hearing 30 minutes before it’s due to begin to ensure that you are able to access the service.
Reminder: HMCTS National Awards Ceremony
We held our annual national awards ceremony on 26 September 2023 to celebrate the outstanding work carried out by HMCTS staff over the past year. The event was held at the Royal Courts of Justice, but also live streamed virtually on social media for the first time.
The Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, MoJ’s Permanent Secretary and HMCTS Board Chair were all in attendance to present awards and congratulate the nominees and winners.
CEO, Nick Goodwin, expressed his gratitude and admiration for the work being done across the organisation.