HMCTS monthly bulletin - January 2023

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Keeping you updated with news about the reform programme

Issue 54  |  9 January 2023

Laptop user accessing digital data

Helping our online users with a new digital support service

We now run a free digital support service to remove the barriers that some users face in accessing our services - including people who cannot access the internet or a computer.

News Headlines

Single justice procedure extended to companies

The Single Justice Procedure has been extended to include the prosecution of companies for minor offences, without the need to attend court. 

Government publishes latest Rape Review Progress Report

The update sets out progress made against commitments in the initial action plan published by the Ministry of Justice and Home Office in June 2021.

Increased capacity for immigration and asylum tribunals

The government aims to speed up the process for people waiting for their cases to be heard and reduce the waiting time for legal decisions.

Other News

Find out how we are developing a user research community to improve our digital services.

Read this blog post on how our service designers plan and design services for the family court that are simple and easy to use.

We've published management information for October 2021 to October 2022. We use this information to understand workload volumes and timeliness nationally.

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