Issue 3 | August 2018
We would like to know what you think of this e-bulletin so that we can keep improving the way we communicate with you.
The use of video links is now a well-established feature of our justice system - and, as the technology improves, we must be ready to take further advantage of it, in the interests of all those who use our courts and tribunals.
Read more about video hearings>>
Seven court buildings that are either underused, dilapidated or too close to another will be closed, with money raised reinvested into modernising the justice system.
Find out more about the changes to court estate>>
A new flagship court specifically designed to tackle cybercrime, fraud, and economic crime will reinforce the UK's reputation as a world-leading legal centre.
Discover more about the new cybercrime court>>
Watch a video to learn more>>
HMCTS has issued a response from CEO Susan Acland-Hood to the Public Accounts Committee report on the court reform programme.
Read the response to the report>>
People can now reply to a jury service summons at the touch of a button through a new "Juror Digital" online system which has launched.
Find out more about the new Juror Digital system>>
The move of court and tribunal forms and guidance from form finder to GOV.UK is now complete. From now on, when you search for a form or guidance document, your search results will come from GOV.UK.
Discover more about court and tribunal forms search>>
HMCTS confirms the results of the tender process for Approved Enforcement Agency Services.
Find out the details about the contractors>>
The annual report and accounts for HMCTS has been published, covering the financial year 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. The report includes detailed information on our performance; spending; and vision, objectives and priorities.
Read the annual report and accounts>>
The first international forum on online courts will take place in London on 3rd and 4th December 2018. The forum is a joint initiative from HMCTS and the Society for Computers and Law.
Find out more about the international forum>>
The Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary David Gauke and The Right Hon. The Lord Burnett of Maldon gave speeches at the Lord Mayor's Dinner for HM Judges at Mansion House on 4 July 2018.
Read the speech by the Lord Chancellor>>
Read the speech by The Right Hon. The Lord Burnett of Maldon>>