You’ll be pleased to know our work along the A27 between Firle and Polegate is now complete. Our improvements will reduce congestion, connect communities, and create safer journeys for everyone.
All traffic management has been removed and our new 13km shared-use path for walkers, cyclists (and in some places, horse-riders) is now open and safe to use. You might see us doing some final checks before we hand over to our maintenance teams.
To the east of Lewes, the narrow junctions and carriageways on the A27 meant the road was often congested and drivers were regularly delayed. We've added extra lanes, changed the layout of some junctions and added new lights and crossings to improve traffic flow and safety.
We’re excited about our new path and how it will help local people and visitors to the area. There’s now a safe and sustainable way for everyone to visit various local attractions, including the South Downs National Park.
We’re looking for a name to call our new bridge over the Cuckmere River and want to hear your suggestions.
Your name might be inspired by something you’ve seen along the way but must be connected to the local area. The lucky winner will receive a certificate and have their chosen name displayed on the bridge for everyone to see.
Enter now by visiting our website
Closes 5pm on Friday 12 May 2023.
We’re returning to finish some resurfacing between Drusilla’s roundabout and Polegate. We had to pause this work due to recent bad weather and other maintenance taking place nearby.
The A27 will be closed in both directions between Drusilla’s roundabout and Polegate on weeknights (8pm to 6am) from Tuesday 11 to the morning of Thursday 20 April 2023.
A signed diversion in both directions will be in place from the Southerham roundabout along the A26 and A22 to Polegate.
For the most up to date information, check the south east maintenance page.
We’ll be in touch again to announce the winner of the competition and share some more interesting facts and figures about the scheme, so stay tuned to our newsletter and social media channels.
And coming soon… look out for our “Things to do between Firle and Polegate” visitors guide.
More on that next time!