Welcome to the first edition of the M25 junction 25 improvement scheme newsletter, thank you for your interest in our project. Through these newsletters, we’ll keep you up-to-date on our progress and let you know what we’re planning for the coming months.
Why are we improving the M25 junction 25?
Connecting the M25 and A10, the junction is an important road that serves up to 6,300 vehicles per hour. Once complete the improvements will:
- help reduce congestion
improve the flow of traffic
support future traffic demands
improve safety
support economic growth to the surrounding areas
minimise the environmental effects of local air quality and noise
 What we’ve done so far:
Before we could start construction, we needed to carry out some preparation work. A site compound has been installed next to the junction off the A10 northbound, reducing travel to and from site, and minimising the amount of construction traffic on the network. We’re also currently working with Thames Water as they divert a large water main.
In late February, we started clearing the site and vegetation, and began groundworks off the network. We’ve also put measures in place to help keep any noise to a minimum, such as acoustic barriers.
Throughout February and March, we had several closures and diversions in place so we could remove the existing barriers and install new temporary barriers in and around the junction, and establish the narrower lanes through the works. The barriers provide a safe working area for our site team. During the closures, we also installed cables for the emergency roadside telephones.
These narrow lanes also help ensure the capacity on the junction itself isn’t affected and help minimise the disruption to motorists while we’re working to make the improvements. We’re working with the local highway authorities and TfL, to monitor the traffic around the junction.
 What’s happening over the next couple of months:
Over the coming weeks, we’ll continue to clear vegetation and strip topsoil as well as preparing the ground for construction. On the M25 eastbound off slip, we’ll be installing ducting and drainage.
Ducting, drainage, earthworks and kerb installation for the path leading up to the new pedestrian crossing will also start on the southern side of the junction.
To minimise impact on traffic, and keep everyone safe while we’re working on the carriageway, we’re planning some overnight road closures. The closures will take place on separate nights and will include the following sections of road:
- M25 eastbound carriageway at junction 25
- M25 westbound junction 25 off slip and westbound carriageway between junction 26 and 25
- A10 southbound heading towards junction 25
Once the dates for these closures are confirmed, we’ll provide more details on the project website and through social media.
In addition to the junction improvement scheme, routine maintenance work is also being carried out by the highway’s maintenance contractor nearby and on the junction. To help minimise disruption to you, we’re sharing traffic management when possible, meaning they can complete the work without the need for further closures.
 In the community
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been delivering Virtual Work Experience sessions, giving an insight into the construction sector. Students from Trinity Catholic High School and Barnet and Southgate College logged into a virtual classroom for a CV session, a quiz, presentation and had the opportunity to ask questions to apprentices and industry experts. The feedback from the students was really positive:
"Thank you, and I really enjoyed the work experience it gave me an insight into the construction industry and I learnt a lot."
Another event will be taking place on Thursday 8 April, focusing on Green Skills Week. This event is fully booked but we hope to offer places to local students at the next event, which is scheduled to take place later in the year.
To find out more:
You can keep up-to-date with the project on our dedicated webpage: highwaysengland.co.uk/m25j25
Or you can get in touch with us either by email on M25j25@highwaysengland.co.uk or call 0330 123 500 and one of the team will be happy to help.