March 2024 - PCCA e-bulletin - Live Well special

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Person and Community Centred Approaches e-Bulletin - March 2024: Live Well Launch special

Live Well is Greater Manchester’s movement for community-led health and wellbeing, supporting healthier, happier and fairer communities by growing opportunities for everyone to Live Well.

Live Well will tackle health and wellbeing inequalities by changing how we work with communities and in our systems, to grow community power, action and wealth.

First time receiving this newsletter? You have been sent this after attending the launch of Live Well, to keep you updated as the movement grows. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please email 

Live Well: Doing things Differently with Greater Manchester's communities

Launching Live Well: Greater Manchester's movement for community-led health and wellbeing

Thank you to everyone who supported and joined us for the launch of Live Well on Tuesday 27 February. And a big thanks to Folashade Alonge, for co-hosting the day with Tabz, Live Well strategic lead. 

Tabz and Folashade opening the day

Over 250 attended the launch event - the breadth and diversity of people and organisations in the room was phenomenal. Everyone from politicians to funders; GM social justice and action networks, to leisure centres and museums. All 10 local authorities, hospitals and medical practices. Policy makers and commissioners. And at the centre of it all, voluntary, community and faith groups, social enterprises and grassroots initiatives - that are building health in communities, everyday.

BAME project at the community marketplace

Over 30 community groups were involved in the community marketplace that was supported by 10GM, showcasing impactful community-led action and support. From community bike kitchens, choirs, neighbourhood groups and public living rooms, to culturally and community specific health and wellbeing peer networks, groups and campaigns.

Attendees listening to the audio of STUCK

Made by Mortals creative and immersive audio performance of STUCK, using silent disco headphones, alongside Idaraya Life C.I.C, and the Elephants Trail community reporting, all brought the experiences, stories and ideas of GM citizens to life.

Live Well Living Room with Andy, John, Dawn and Pam

We created our very own Live Well Living Room, with the help of Association of Camerados. Dawn Yates-Obe, Chief Executive at Bolton CVS and Pam Duxbury from Beacon Bolton Counselling Service sat down for a chat about what it would take from the system to spread, grow and enable community led action, power and wealth to become ‘the way we do things’ in GM, with our Mayor, Andy Burnham, and John Mothersole, Chair of The National Lottery Community Fund.

Workshop with a group of people

There were workshops led by our courageous Live Well sites (Rochdale, Bolton, Salford, Oldham and Tameside) and Wigan, expertly supported by Innovation Unit, exploring sticky systems issues that are getting in the way. As well as a space to look at how we could resource community-led activities differently in GM.

A message from Tabz:

"As Andy Burnham said, ‘Health is created in communities’. The Live Well launch put a spotlight on the radical, impactful and creative work that is happening across our city region.

"Live Well must be community-led AND system enabled. Let’s continue to build the movement, shift power and resources, and ensure Live Well can grow and flourish so community-led health and wellbeing is available...
Everyday. Everywhere. For Everyone."


"Thank you to everyone who has been in touch since the launch, through the feedback forms on the day, emails, conversations and more. If we haven't already, the team will get back to you all soon."

If you like to contact the team, please email:

Live Well launch: On film

Two people being filmed

You can watch a short summary of the Live Well launch here: Live Well launch event (

What does it mean to Live Well in Greater Manchester?

Woman at SAWN choir

Being able to Live Well can mean different things to different people; enjoying life, having purpose, a good job, being in a warm and safe house, people to spend time with and care about, being represented, having a voice and a say in decisions.

The neighbourhoods we live in, and the communities we are a part of, help us live a healthy, happy life. They help us feel supported, connected and resilient through a variety of information, activities, and networks.

Made by Mortals community group working on their video

Made by Mortals worked with their community group to share what Live Well means to them.

You can watch their video here: Made by Mortals - what Live Well means to me? (



Ayisatu from Idaraya Life talking about her listening project

Idaraya Life CIC explored the ways women in Wigan currently view their experience of their local area and how they feel it needs to change for them to continue to Live Well.

You can watch the video here: The Live Well listening project - Wigan (

The extended version of each woman's recording is available as podcast episodes on the Feel Good with Idaraya Life Podcast: 

Group of five people on a stage

Elephants Trail community reporters asked what health and wellbeing means to people, how community groups support people with connections, help and resilience, and the opportunities to grow more in the places we live and things we do. They called their video ‘Together’.

You can watch the video here: Together - Elephants Trail Community Reporters (


Residents and professionals told us they feel STUCK

Group of people with silent disco headphones

Made by Mortals condensed pilot of their creative and immersive audio performance of STUCK used 'silent disco' headphones to share their community group's experience and to encourage participants to create their own character and work with the community to help them become unstuck. 

You can read more here:

Doing things differently to grow opportunities for everyone

Fairer Health for All graphic

Live Well is part of our work to strengthen our communities, so everyone can lead a healthier happier life, to achieve fairer health for all.

Councils, NHS, voluntary, community and faith organisations, people and communities. Locally and across the region are working together to unblock barriers and create the conditions where:

  • Everyone has opportunities to be healthy, happy and connected through a variety of activities, support and information
  • Everyone can help make their communities healthier and happier, they are being heard and making a difference
  • All communities have the resources to make change happen
Ecosystem graphic: showing what people need to Live Well

This will mean shifting power and resources to the people and communities who are best placed to help Greater Manchester residents Live Well.​

This animation of our Live Well ecosystem explains more: Live Well animation (

With funding from National Lottery Community Fund

National Lottery and Live Well logo

The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest community funder in the UK, has invested £1 million in Greater Manchester’s Live Well work to grow opportunities in the places we live and the things we do.

The National Lottery Community Fund grant will help Greater Manchester’s public services tackle these health and wellbeing inequalities.

You can read about the work in Salford, Bolton, Rochdale, Oldham and Tameside here: Live Well | Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership (

This is just the beginning: What's next?

As we now work together to grow the Live Well movement, break down some of the barriers and learn together, we are developing a series of opportunities to come together and learn. 

We will be working with residents, community groups and teams across public services to develop a series of:

  • Monthly Live Well Live online events - a series of online monthly interactive webinars that bring GM's movement for community-led health and wellbeing to life. From provocations to practice, these events will showcase what’s already happening in communities, by communities, and keep the conversation about how we grow community action, power and wealth LIVE! The first event is on 8 May: What’s the big deal about Public Living Rooms? More information below.
  • Quarterly thematic face to face events - opportunities to come together to explore the key themes of community action, power and wealth with peers from across the region. The first of which will be on 21 May: Growing community wealth, ownership and opportunity to tackle health and wellbeing inequalities. More information below.

And more. 

Get involved with the co-design for Live Well and the events

To develop each of the Live Well Lives and face to face events, we would like to bring together people and communities with experience of these issues to design the sessions and opportunities together. 

You might like to partner with us to deliver the event, showcase something you have done in one of the events below or help shape future sessions. 

Thanks to those of you who said you'd like to be involved as part of your feedback at the launch event. We will be in touch very soon. 

If you haven't yet contacted the team or expressed your interest, but would like to, please email the Live Well team at

Learn, share, network, solve challenges together

8 May: Live Well Live: What’s the big deal about Public Living Rooms?

Camerados Public Living Room sign and bean bags

10-11.30am. Online

Public Living Rooms are popping up in communities across Greater Manchester – from to schools and colleges, libraries to hospitals, community centres to street corners.

Join the Association of Camerados, and Camerados from GM Public Living Rooms in Wigan, Rochdale and Bury to find out more about the idea, the movement and how it’s having an impact on community health and wellbeing.

Sign up here:

21 May: Live Well event: Growing community wealth, ownership and opportunity to tackle health and wellbeing inequalities

Lady sat on sofa smiling

Time and Manchester city centre venue to be confirmed.

There is a wide range of people and places growing community wealth, ownership and opportunity in Greater Manchester. Rooted in our communities and neighbourhoods, local people are tackling health and wellbeing inequalities by developing new economic and social models that shift the control of wealth and resources to communities.

From co-operatives and community-owned assets, to participatory approaches to deciding what to invest in, communities are shaping and making the changes that support everyone to Live Well.

We know that these local initiatives need a supportive enabling system, so that more residents in Greater Manchester have access to wealth, opportunities and ownership to improve their quality of life. Live Well will work to understand and create the conditions required for investing in and sustaining this.

This event invites people and organisations growing community-led wealth and ownership, funders doing things differently, and commissioners from different sectors to:

  • Seed connections across people and places in GM doing this work and grow the movement
  • Share stories, practice and learning about growing community wealth, ownership and opportunity - and what it takes to enable it to thrive
  • Get involved with the development of a GM Live Well Joint Investment Fund

Sign up here:

If you have previously expressed interest in contributing to this event, the GM Live Well Team will be in touch shortly to discuss opportunities for collaboration.

If you haven’t yet expressed interest in a potential contribution, but would like to, please contact and the team will get back to you.

And more:

26 March: GoodLives GM: Small Actions, Big Patterns: Renewing relationships to shift systems

The GoodLives GM series of webinars explores big ideas that help shed light on the challenge of shifting system barriers. The next webinar is about renewing relationships to shift systems with Emma Price and Stacey Hemphill.

“The most important unit of analysis in a system is not the part (e.g. individual, organisation, or institution), it’s the relationship between the parts” - systems theorist, Brenda Zimmerman. 

Relationships are increasingly acknowledged to be critical for working in collaboration through complex, systemic challenges. But our existing system is not set up to support and nurture relationships that enable leaders to work differently. Mindsets and values shape the system and the people in the system: our desire for efficiency and control are reflected in everyday patterns of relationships, behaviours and structures. But, our everyday patterns also make up the system. What power can we find in renewing everyday patterns of relationships to shift systems?

Using perspectives and ideas from visionary theorists, practitioners and social activists, this webinar will explore these ideas within examples from Greater Manchester. With no ‘quick fix’ for existing, enduring mindsets, this webinar instead invites you to pay attention to small actions for influencing big patterns - ‘re-patterning’ systems towards connection and collaboration through your everyday interactions and relationships. 

Sign up here: GoodLives GM System Shifting Leadership Collaborative: Webinar sign up (

10 April: Engaging communities - building health in neighbourhoods

National Lottery Community Fund

2-3pm. Online

Hear the innovative ways in which National Lottery Fund Community grant holders are engaging their communities in supporting each other's health and wellbeing and discuss any learning they’ve picked up along the way.

National Lottery Community Fund online session's panel includes:

  • Jeavon Nicely, Director of Sports Key CIC: A Birmingham-based charity that uses physical activity to build health and local cohesion; particularly for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Adam Downey, Project Coordinator for Marauder’s Men’s Health: Promotes and supports men’s wellbeing and mental health within the South Wales region through walk and talk groups and awareness raising events.
  • Sonya Johnson, Chief Officer for Nuneaton and Bedworth Healthy Living Network: Delivers a 'Social Supermarket' where healthy surplus food is made available to reduce poverty and diet related ill health in Nuneaton and Bedworth.

To sign up for this free event, please click here.

14 May: The Greater Manchester Cancer Conference 2024

Manchester / online

The Greater Manchester Cancer Conference and Awards are back in 2024, this time with the theme of Empowerment in Practice: Communities, Professionals and Researchers. They aim to bring together all of our cancer system and partners to share best practice, update on latest priorities and developments in cancer, and share new and promising innovations.

Register here: The Greater Manchester Cancer Conference 2024 - Greater Manchester Cancer Academy (

4 June: New Local: Stronger Things

Online (join a waiting list) and online.

Take your place among hundreds of like-minded change makers from the local government, healthcare, voluntary and community sectors to find fresh insights, transform the way you work and help set the community power agenda for the year ahead.

Find out more and register: ST24 New - New Local


The Person and Community Centred Approaches team is on X, the new name for Twitter, at @GMPandC

Please do give us a follow, share our posts, or tag us.

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to read the Person and Community Centred Approaches e-bulletin and to those that contribute to the ongoing activity that embeds these approaches across Greater Manchester.

If you have anything you would like us to share in future newsletters, please email