Awareness campaign set to launch
Our Mental Health network team supported this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which ran from May 13-19. This year’s theme was ‘Body Image’ and during the week the campaign raised awareness of the links between mental health and body image. The Mental Health Foundation, which hosts the campaign, released findings of a survey that depicted how people across the UK feel about their bodies. Our network team aims to improve services for people in Greater Manchester by identifying areas for improvement, reducing variation in the quality of services, promoting a clinical voice in the shaping of services and working with partners across the city region. The team supported the campaign on social media and green ribbons were sold from the team's office at 3 Piccadilly Place to raise awareness and funds.
![Care of the Elderly MFT team make their delirium pledge]( Greater Manchester World Delirium Awareness Day Event - One Year On
A second event was held in Greater Manchester to mark World Delirium Awareness Day and raise the profile of this serious and common problem.
Despite being associated with poor longer-term outcomes, including death and entering long-term care, delirium remains disproportionately ignored, especially for those living with dementia, and poor recognition remains the greatest obstacle to improved care.
With this in mind, and following on from the success of last year’s event, Dementia United (DU) and the Network’s Dementia Team was pleased to welcome 77 members of the public and professionals from all 10 Greater Manchester localities for another awareness event at North Manchester General Hospital.
The day was opened by Anthony Hassall, DU Senior Responsible Officer and Salford CCG Chief Accountable Officer, with a video clip from Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, highlighting the importance of delirium and the great work that has been taking place in Greater Manchester - you can watch the video on Twitter.
Speakers from Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, North West Ambulance Service and the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Patient Safety Collaborative also provided their professional and personal perspectives of delirium. Guests heard about the Stockport Mental Health Liaison Service for Older People which offers the Saffron triage ward that provides beds for patients in Stepping Hill Hospital and the community who have delirium and no longer require acute medical care but have yet to return to baseline, as well as delirium e-learning for North West Ambulance Service staff, which was launched on the day.
Lively panel discussions emphasised the importance of collaborative and person-centred working to prevent, identify and manage delirium well.
You can still view social media coverage from the event.
Photo above: Care for the Elderly MFT team makes its delirium pledge at the World Delirium Awareness Event.
Spreading the word about prevention
The Diabetes Network team supported Diabetes Prevention Week this year by promoting the campaign to colleagues across GM and circulating prevention information packs to stakeholders in all localities.
The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is a joint commitment from NHS England, Public Health England and Diabetes UK. Run by NHS England Diabetes Prevention Programme, the campaign promotes the Healthier You programme, which identifies those at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) and refers them onto a behaviour change programme.
Promotional packs were also sent to GP practices and Denise Booth from the team raised awareness with GMHSC Partnership colleagues and visitors throughout prevention week. The team is also discussing how the prevention programme links with the objectives of the GM Clinical Best Practice Strategy, published in 2018, and efforts to improve education for people living with diabetes.
The team is also leading on the development the NHSE Test Beds funded Diabetes My Way project, a new digital innovation to provide learning opportunities and support people living with T2D to self-manage their condition.
The SCN, the University of Manchester and five commercial partners are working to establish the platform to give people living with T2D access to their own diabetes care record data, advice, resources, and accredited education. Also on offer will be personalised lifestyle, dietician and cognitive support through innovative digital applications. The launch of Diabetes My Way is planned for this summer.
![Maqsood]( |
The SCNs sadly said goodbye recently to Maqsood Ahmad, who has left after being an important member of the team for over five years.
Maqsood, who left to take up a new role as Chief Executive Officer for the British Muslim Heritage Centre in Manchester, was a senior manager with the networks from April 2013, with responsibility for mental health, dementia and patients, carers and public engagement.
He received the honour of an OBE from Her Majesty the Queen in December 2010 and was awarded the Equality and Diversity Ambassador of the Year Award in 2009 by the Home Office.
His humour and snazzy dress sense will be missed by many people at the SCNs and the GMHSC Partnership.