NEW: Resources and training for reducing the impact of parental conflict and improving parental relationships.
Gloucestershire is part of a DWP programme to reduce the impact of parental conflict in response to research findings that identifies children exposed to parental conflict experience a decline in mental health and poorer long term outcomes. SEE HERE
We want to ensure, we have an early help partnership of diverse practitioners and people trusted within communities who are motivated, confident and competent to enquire about the quality of parental relationships, identify issues and respond with opportunities to strengthen parental relationships to reduce the impact of parental conflict on children and parents.
The programme aims to upskill practitioners in supporting parents to improve communications, find resolutions and reduce conflict within their relationship irrespective of parents living together or separated. This will enable parents to improve outcomes for their children and also promotes parents’ health and wellbeing.
‘As practitioners who are supporting families we want to have the knowledge and confidence to raise the issue of relationship problems. By knowing what to look for we can help identify and support families where there is parental conflict.’
In Gloucestershire we have been developing a range of resources and training to help practitioners feel confident to talk about relationships and conflict in relationships with parents they come into contact with during the course of their day to day work with children and families. These resources are available free now:
Local Resources available to support practitioners now:
Resources to support practitioners to explore and strengthen parental relationships are now available on the Glosfamilies Directory webpages found here:
Parental Relationship Support | Glosfamilies Directory
These pages on the Glosfamilies Directory are within the Information for Practitioners section called ‘Resources for working with children and families’ and contain wider information and guidance for practitioners on ‘Parental relationship support’ including resources that can be shared with parents.
Reducing Parental Conflict Practitioner Training- free to book now: This is 3 hour Virtual Classroom skills-based workshop delivered by Early Help practitioners aims to:
- Recognise and support parents in parental conflict & work with parents in conflict.
- Focus on the causes of parental conflict, this workshop equips Practitioners with the skills to work with parents to identify and explore relationship conflict
- Introduce a series of tools that can be used to work with parents, encouraging behaviour change and promoting positive communication that will reduce parental conflict
- For the next dates and to booking visit the Glosfamilies Directory Click Here
Creating Pathways of Support to help signposting:
We are mapping parenting interventions to establish a sequential pathway of courses and programmes for parents to support practitioners in signposting and making referrals to the right relationship help at the right time. In some localities we are offering training to practitioners so they can introduce online digital interventions for parents to use, we will review how these are received by parents and hope to provide more access to these digital interventions later in 2022.
More information is available on the Glosfamilies Directory webpages found here:
Parental Relationship Support | Glosfamilies Directory
Local Resources available for parents now:
Resources to support parental relationships are now available on our Glosfamilies Directory webpages and can be found here:
Relationship Support For Parents | Glosfamilies Directory
Please share these resources with parents.
These pages on Glosfamilies Directory are within the Information for Families section called ‘Relationship Support for Parents’ and contain wider information and guidance for parents and practitioners and provide digital versions of ‘Getting on Better’ cards with quick guides to help with relationships.