Milton Road - Bus, Cycling and Walking Improvements Project January 2023 Update

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Milton Road - Bus, Cycling and Walking Improvements Project

January 2023 Update

Current Road Closures

Arbury Road junction - Union Lane

After the Christmas and New Year break, we have recommenced work on the Arbury Road/ Union Lane Junction. We expect the current closure to last around six weeks, which is slightly longer than originally planned after we found unchartered utilities and obstructions in the ground which require careful hand digging so they are not damaged.

Oak Tree Avenue

We have now started work on the junction at Oak Tree Avenue. We have closed the junction to pedestrian access while we carry out the upgrade for pedestrian safety, as there is not enough space for both people on foot and vehicle access. The junction was closed on the 9 January, and we expect this work to take about 12 weeks. The pedestrian diversion to access Oak Tree Avenue is via Elizabeth Way as shown below.

Image show Oak Tree Avenue pedestrian closure and the diversion via Elizabeth Way

Vehicular access to Oak Tree Avenue will be maintained throughout by a temporary road, accessed via Milton Road in the usual manner.

Once all works are completed at Oak Tree Avenue, it will have a continuous footway and cycleway across the junction providing users’ priority over road traffic. The diagram below shows how the junction will look once the upgrade is complete.

Image showing the design drawing of how Oak Tree Avenue will look when completed

Ongoing Works

Cambridge Water

Cambridge Water are working on moving their water main at Ascham Road. They will be in the area for a few more weeks before their work is finished. This diversion will then allow for us to undertake the necessary work in and around Ascham Road to carry out the junction upgrade.

Elizabeth Way Roundabout

Works have restarted on the north-east side of the roundabout. We are currently removing the existing kerbs, installing new ones, and widening and re-surfacing the existing footpath. This area of the footpath will be closed to pedestrians while we do this work. There are onsite signs for the pedestrian diversion route.

Upcoming Works

Kendal Way

Kendal Way entry/exit to Milton Road will be closed to vehicles from 1 February for approximately 10 weeks. Pedestrian and cycle access will be maintained throughout the closure. Vehicles are advised to follow the diversion via Green End Road as – shown below.

Image showing the Road closure at Kendal Way and the diversion route via Green End Road

As with Oak Tree Avenue, works on Kendal Way when completed will have a continuous footway and cycleway across the junction providing users’ priority over road traffic.  The diagram below shows how the junction will look once the upgrade is complete.

Image showing the design drawing of how Kendal Way will look when completed

King’s Hedges Road junction

Works to the King’s Hedges, Milton Road and Green End Road junction will begin during the first week in February. Similarly to the Arbury Road/Union Lane works, the new junction will be constructed in sections. The work on this junction is expected to last 10 months. We will be working on this junction Monday – Friday from 07:30 – 18:00 and will include some lane closures.

So that we can do the work to upgrade this junction safely, we will be replacing the current traffic lights with temporary traffic lights. This will give the flexibility to be able to move the lights around as we work on different part of this junction. Having tested one style of temporary traffic lights last year, we have changed the system we will be using at this junction for works in the New Year. The temporary traffic light system we will be using will better help keep the traffic moving at this busy junction while we are working on it.

To get the junction ready for us to start work on it we will need to do some works on the night of the 8 & 9 February. This is when we will put in the new temporary traffic lights. We will also be closing one of the traffic lanes to allow works to be carried out safely.

For full details on how this junction and the whole project will look when finished, please view the scheme map on our website here – 

Temporary Traffic Lights

We have seen comments on social media about motorists jumping the Temporary Traffic Lights on Milton Road.  Temporary traffic lights have the same legal standing as permanent ones and drivers must wait for them to change before proceeding. Jumping the lights turns each set to red for safety reasons which causes more delay to all road users.

Commencing public drop-in sessions at Milton Road library

We are pleased to announce the start of our public drop-in sessions. These are scheduled for the first Friday of every month from 11:00–12:30 in meeting room 2 at Milton Road library. 

There will be no need to pre-book a time slot, but please be aware you may have to wait if the team are already discussing concerns or questions with another member of the public.

We will review the frequency of these meetings as we continue the project and may amend them if needed.

If you have any concerns during the construction, please do get in touch with Milestone’s project team on or telephone the 24 hour contact centre on 0800 023 4762