Greenway consultation results

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Greenway Consultation Results

Reports published on the Waterbeach, Comberton, and Fulbourn Greenway consultations.

Dear Sir or Madam,

You are receiving this email as you are signed up to hear about updates on the Greater Cambridge Partnerships Greenways project.

Last year we set out to consult with the public on our proposals for this scheme; new and improved cycle, walking and equestrian routes from Waterbeach, Fulbourn and Comberton into Cambridge.

Having analysed the results of these consultations we have now published them as reports, which are available to view on our website:

You can also find a snapshot of the results below:

Comberton Greenway Infographic


  • 485 survey response
  • 90% respondents supported the Greenways network
  • 75% respondents want improvement west of M11 bridge
  • 74% respondents want improvements east of M11 bridge
  • 71% of respondents want a link to Barton Rd
  • 69% respondents want a route to Hardwick
  • 69% respondents want a route into Queens Rd in Cambridge

Comberton Consultation Results

Fulbourn Greenway Infographic


  • 422 survey response
  • 94% respondents supported the Greenways network
  • 83% respondents said they would be cycling on Greenways
  • 85% respondents want improvements along Tins Path
  • 83% of respondents want improvements along Snakey Path
  • 74% respondents want a junction reconfiguration on the approach to Carter Bridge

Fulbourn Consultation Results

Waterbeach Greenway Infographic


  • 423 survey response
  • 94% respondents supported the Greenways network
  • 86% respondents said they would be cycling on Greenways
  • 90% respondents want a route to run parallel to the existing railway track
  • 82% of respondents want a route through an underpass under the A14
  • 73% respondents want the route to run towards the new Waterbeach Station

Waterbeach Consultation Results

A final decision on how these routes will be progressed will take place this winter.

Thank you to everyone who took the chance to have their say on helping shape the Greater Cambridge Greenways.

Kind regards,

Robin Marshall

On behalf of The Greater Cambridge Partnership

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