Share your experience with East Sussex Libraries to help us improve our services. Our Public Library User Survey will be running until the end of Thursday 7 November 2024.
You must be aged 16 years and above to take part, and the survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
World Nursery Rhyme Week promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development and education.
Rhymetimes and storytimes are an opportunity to meet other families, sing and enjoy a story. They are also great for children’s speech and language development.
We have weekly sessions across the county, so why not come along and join in?
Alternatively, would you enjoy leading a rhyme or story session? Volunteers lead the rhymetimes and storytimes, greeting parents and children, preparing and performing suitable rhymes and stories.
We are very excited to host an afternoon of chamber music with players from the Glyndebourne Sinfonia, Jerwood Pit Perfect players and soloists from the Glyndebourne chorus.
Jerwood Pit Perfect is Glyndebourne’s unique programme where young, professional instrumentalists join the Glyndebourne Sinfonia, gaining their first professional operatic experience.
Balancing the Score is Glyndebourne's career development programme that aims to nurture composers from backgrounds currently underrepresented in the work of operatic composition.
Renaissance One presents an afternoon of poetry, and music at Lewes Library to showcase the Caribbean culture. Featuring the acclaimed John Agard, Grace Nichols and special guests, with hosting by Melanie Abrahams, it offers fun for all the family.
John Agard is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. An internationally renowned Guyanese poet, playwright and writer for both adults and children, he is a recipient of the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry and BookTrust's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Acclaimed Guyanese poet Grace Nichols won the Commonwealth Poetry Prize, is a fellow and Vice-President of the Royal Society of Literature and was awarded The Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry by Her Majesty, the Queen in 2021.
If you are looking for a new activity or a way to meet new people then the East Sussex Community Information Service (ESCIS) is a fantastic, free and easy way to find clubs, societies and groups in your area. From table tennis to knit and natter groups, choirs, craft groups, health walks, dementia cafes, University of the Third Age, lunch clubs and cycling groups – there really is something for everyone. There are more than 5,000 entries so why not have a look and start a new activity? ESCIS also has events listings so is a great way to find one-off activities locally.
If you are a club, group or society leader you can broaden your reach, it’s free to list your organisation and maximise your local impact.
This month our quote is from “The shepherds almost wonder where they dwell” by John Clare.