Adult Social Care Provider Bulletin issue 327: 25 July 2023

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Updates for providers.

Issue 327: 25 July 2023

This bulletin covers:

Care Quality Commission: new regulatory approach webinar

Workforce: latest on size and structure of adult social care workforce

Infection prevention and control: ‘champions’ training; linen management

Care home huddle: cancellation of this month’s event

Digital social care: digital social care records system

Have your say: carers’ experience of leaving hospital

Care Quality Commission

New regulatory approach

Care Quality Commission (CQC) is offering a one hour webinar for health and social care providers and professionals, focusing on its approach for rolling out its new regulatory approach and provider portal.

It will explain when it expects to start using the new regulatory approach and the steps to get there.

It’s on 02 August and runs from 11:00am to 12:00pm

There will be a presentation and time to ask questions.

Register your place on Eventbrite


Size and structure of the ASC workforce

Skills for Care has published its annual report which looks at the size and structure of the adult social care sector and workforce in England.

This year its estimates show that the number of filled posts have increased, and the vacancy rate has fallen.

Read the full report

Meanwhile, Skills for Care’s #DevelopingPositiveWorkplaceCulture campaign continues throughout July, sharing how a positive workplace culture can support staff retention. You can also look at the organisation’s top tips for keeping staff.

Infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control ‘champions’

A reminder of the upcoming dates for the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) ‘champions’ online training for East Sussex care workers:

  • 28 July
  • 03 October
  • 08 December
  • 29 February 2024

Sessions run 09:30am to 4:30pm

Book your place on Eventbrite

Linen management

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has been notified by a laundry company which provides linen to a range of health and social care organisations, that microbiological testing had revealed above average threshold counts of the bacteria ‘bacillus cereus’. 

Instances of this contamination have happened outside East Sussex, and our Health Protection team is not aware of any organisation in the South East which uses the laundry company concerned. All affected organisations have now been contacted and given relevant information.

But, says Helen Cheney, ESCC Health Protection lead: “This offers a timely reminder to think about linen management.

“Bacillus cereus is well known to contaminate linen: contamination is thought to result from the bacteria replicating to high levels on soiled linen and incomplete removal of these heat-resistant spores.

The bacteria can cause diarrhoea and vomiting or more serious health issues, especially for older and vulnerable people, so it’s important we pay close attention to the safe management of linen.”

Guidance on safe linen management: NHS England: national infection prevention and control manual

Care home huddle

Cancellation of this month’s event

This month’s care home huddle (scheduled for tomorrow, 26 July) has been cancelled. This is because of limited availability of speakers, so the decision was taken to cancel the July huddle.  The next huddle is planned for 30 August at 11:00am.

Digital social care

Digital social care record systems

Moving away from paper-based care planning to digital social care record systems (DSCRs) brings a more personalised approach to care, according to the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC).

It says that information uploaded in ‘real time’ means patient records are always up-to-date.

DHSC says: “Information is shared safely and securely on a platform that can be accessed whenever a care professional requests it.”

You can watch a film on YouTube about Digital Social Care Records

Have your say

Carers’ experience of leaving hospital

A reminder that Care for the Carers is looking for carers who have been through the hospital discharge process, either coming out of hospital themselves or supporting the person they care for.

A pilot project is being set up to support carers at the Conquest Hospital in Hastings and Care for the Carers wants to make sure it is working with carers to shape it. 

If you would like to join an online focus group on 03 August from 11:00am to 12:30pm, please email: or call 01323 738390


Pride events

Pride month may have been in June, but there are still some upcoming pride events in East Sussex for the LGBTQ+ community or to show support as an ally.

Trans Pride Hastings from 22 to 29 July

Eastbourne Pride 29 July

Seahaven Pride  26 August

Hastings Pride  27 August

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