Safe in East Sussex Newsletter - Summer Edition 2022

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Safe in East Sussex

Summer Edition 2022

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) edition

Anti social behaviour

Welcome to the ASB themed edition of the Safe in East Sussex summer bulletin.

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is defined as “Behaviour by a person which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the person.” You can read more about the Home Office's ASB Principles.

ASB can have a ripple effect across communities, and the root causes can be complex. It is important to report all incidents of ASB, however minor, to help police and local councils target problem areas. 

To find out more about the different types of anti-social behaviour and to report visit: Report antisocial behaviour | Sussex Police Each District and Borough council also has online mechanisms to report ASB, noise and nuisance. Scroll down to see links to your local council. 

Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if the crime is in progress. Call 101 to contact the police if the crime is not an emergency.

Safer Streets funding in Hailsham

Safer Wealden Partnership logo

A new project has been launched to reduce shoplifting and other anti-social behaviour in Hailsham. The Disc project provides a digital platform for shops, businesses and police to share information about shoplifters in the area. The Disc smartphone app has been funded by the government’s Safer Streets fund for the next three years and is free for businesses.

Click here to read more

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)

Hastings Borough Council Public Space Protection Order map

Hastings Borough Council recently renewed the ASB PSPO for another three years.

PSPOs are made under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and are valid for up to 3 years. They enable local authorities and the police to address serious anti-social behaviour in specified public places.

Street-based sexual harassment

Sussex Police Violence Against Women and Girls patrol car

Everyone has the right to feel safe and be safe when out and about in areas where they live, work and visit. In East Sussex, police officers carry out dedicated patrols in streets where people have reported feeling unsafe – identifying, deterring and disrupting anyone behaving in a suspicious, predatory or offensive manner. The government have opened a consultation about creating an offence of public sexual harassment - you can respond until 1st September.


Read more about our work here

Dealing with issues arising from people congregating in town centres (known as 'street communities')

Project Adder logo

Various schemes support and respond to Street Communities in East Sussex. A multi-agency partnership focuses resources in Eastbourne and Hastings and includes representatives from the business community, local authority and enforcement. Overarching support is provided by the Rough Sleepers’ Initiative, which is delivered by a multi-disciplinary team specialising in mental health and substance misuse. Project ADDER also delivers specialist outreach programmes that divert members of Hastings’ Street Community into treatment services and away from town centres.

Useful links

Read more about ASB at your local District and Borough council level:

Lewes & Eastbourne: Noise, nuisance and anti-social behaviour - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils (

Hastings: Report Community Safety issues in Hastings

Rother: Anti-social behaviour – Rother District Council

Wealden: Anti-social Behaviour - Wealden District Council - Wealden District Council