The Government has published a range of plans to address and prevent domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, most recently, the Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan.
The national plans are complemented by a huge amount of work in East Sussex to prevent domestic abuse, support every victim and survivor, and pursue perpetrators holding them to account.

The Safer East Sussex Team and Sussex Police Neighbourhood Youth Officers support schools with planned assemblies or lessons across the county looking at citizenship and the importance of positive behaviours in person and online.
The 'Beware of Lurking Trolls' resource has tools and tips for primary school children to learn more about online safety.
 Drug and alcohol treatment provided for adults in East Sussex is designed to meet local need and take down the barriers that are stopping individuals from getting help. The East Sussex County Council Substance Misuse Team and Public Health are carrying out an Assessment of Need to help us decide how we spend money on adult substance misuse treatment in East Sussex.
An important part of this process is talking to current service users, partners and stakeholders to capture their thoughts and ideas to help inform this work.
The team held a service user engagement day on the 26th April and will be holding a stakeholder session on 23rd May in Eastbourne. They are keen to talk to as many partners as possible so invite you along to this interactive session! You can sign up via this link:
If you have any questions, please contact Lexi:

As the weather improves and COVID-19 restrictions have largely been lifted, many of us are getting out and about more with connected devices. But being online when away from our home or workplace makes it vital that we maintain safe and responsible online habits.
The Sussex Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is an innovative partnership tackling the root causes of serious violent crime in Sussex to protect young people and make our communities safer. The Safer Communities Team are pleased to confirm that the Home Office has provisionally allocated funding for a further three years to continue the activities of the Sussex VRP.
VRP interventions focus on areas and people who are at highest risk of serious violence in Sussex, and addressed issues such as risk of exclusions, high harm hotspot areas, and knife crime.
The Safer Hastings Partnership led by Hastings Borough Council has been tackling crime and disorder and antisocial behaviour since 1998. Recently the Borough Council has been working with Alexandra Park users to enhance the park and provide an even safer open space for everyone who visits.
The Partnership can help with a wide range of local concerns. Please contact them on 01424 451438”
Independent Review of Social Cohesion and Resilience: online Government consultation to understand the harm extremism is causing local communities, build resilience against it and better support victims
Community Member Short Survey - Making it Happen! ( short survey gathers information about people’s experiences when they are involved with a community based project, activity, group or event in East Sussex.
The Neighbourhood Watch Network supports individuals and groups to create safer, stronger and active communities. Find your local scheme
Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams.