We have lots and lots of events and activities for your family this February holiday: dual language stories; Fun with Maths; animation workshops; and writer and illustrator Ed Boxall!
 Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month with East Sussex Libraries, we have lots of great stories, information about local LGBTQ+ legends and events.
 Come to our in conversation event live at Eastbourne Library or watch it livestreamed in the comfort of your home.
Shon Faye is a writer, broadcaster and activist. She presents the ‘Call Me Mother’ podcasts. She is also the writer of the critically acclaimed ‘Transgender Issue’ a landmark work that signals the beginning of a new, healthier conversation about trans life. It is a manifesto for change, and a call for justice and solidarity between all marginalized people and minorities. Trans liberation, as Faye sees it, goes to the root of what our society is and what it could be; it offers the possibility of a more just, free and joyful world for all of us.
 Come to our In Conversation Event live at Hastings Library or watch it livestreamed in the comfort of your home.
Salena Godden is a writer, poet and broadcaster who has been described as 'the doyenne of the spoken word scene' (Ian McMillan); 'the Mae West madam of the salon' (the Sunday Times) and as 'everything the Daily Mail is terrified of' (Kerrang!).
In her debut novel, ‘Mrs Death Misses Death’; Death desperately wants to share her stories, and she selects as her scribe Wolf Willeford, a genderfluid east London poet.
Salena was born and raised in Hastings, she is a tireless activist and witty raconteur.
 A new Homework and Activity Club will start at Hastings Library after the February half term. Primary aged children (5-11 years) and families can join to get support to complete their homework from our trained volunteers. There is also a fun activity at the end of each session, including Lego challenges, coding games, craft and more. There is no need to book.
We look forward to seeing you there after the February holiday.
 Tuesday 8 February is Safer Internet Day and reminds us that, along with all the great benefits of being online, there are some risks.
The good news is that those risks can be managed and minimised.
If you would like to find out more about how you can stay safe online, we can help. Book an IT for You session at your local library for 1 to 1 support and guidance from one of our friendly and knowledgeable volunteers.
The service is free of charge, and we use adapted computers and hygiene screens to deliver a contactless service.
IT for You is not just for Safer Internet Day – we’re here to help all year round with all your digital skills and training needs.
"Dreepy, dark February weather I remember" is from The secret scripture by Sebastian Barry.