"With sadness and pride - thank you"

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East Sussex together

22 March 2021

An update for everyone in East Sussex

"With sadness and pride - thank you"

Cllr Keith Glazier

A message from Keith Glazier

"Tomorrow it will be a year since the whole country first went into lockdown to try and protect everyone from the spread of coronavirus.

"We know that, sadly, it hasn’t been possible to protect everyone and that’s one reason why a national day of reflection is being held tomorrow (23 March).

"I’m sure many people in East Sussex will use the day to pause and look back; perhaps with sadness, perhaps with pride at what’s been achieved in the most difficult of years. Or probably, like me, a mixture of both.

"Most of all I’d like to thank all the people in our county who’ve helped over the past year.

"By which I mean, just about all of us. Workers in social care, the NHS, emergency services and public health, people who’ve kept schools, shops, transport and other essential services running, unpaid carers and volunteers – or simply good neighbours and friends.

"It hasn’t been easy (it still isn’t) but I feel so encouraged when I see the efforts people make to work together in our communities and protect each other. Thank you.

"If we keep this up, and as more of us get our jabs, I’m certain that cases of the virus here will continue to fall.

"And if that happens, we have every reason to think tomorrow’s chance to reflect will be quickly followed by the start of a return to better times in East Sussex."

Cllr Keith Glazier

Cllr Keith Glazier, leader of East Sussex County Council

Get a cab to your jab


Did you know that you can get a free return journey to your vaccination appointment if you have no other way of getting there?

To book free travel please book your vaccination appointment first and then call 07871 603 235 to speak to a travel coordinator.

The booking service is available between 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 Monday to Friday.

You'll be asked if you have access to transport or to a relative, friend or carer who can help. If not, the coordinator will arrange transport for you, which can include wheelchair-friendly vehicles.

All drivers and vehicles follow a Covid-19 safety policy to give you a safe journey.

More about transport and other community support 

No symptoms? Get a quick, free test

later flow test

It's quick and easy to get free, regular community tests for Covid-19 to check that you're not passing on infection even if you feel fine. 

Remember that one in three people with the virus don't have any symptoms. Regular weekly testing will help stop infection spreading in East Sussex.

If you DO have symptoms, please continue using the national NHS booking system or call 119.

News in other languages or formats

For coronavirus updates in British Sign Language visit Sign Health

See videos about the NHS vaccination programme in other languages 

Find out how to access Coronavirus information in other formats or languages on our website.

Stay home, save lives.