Summer Edition 2020
One of the projects being funded by the Home Office as part of the Pan-Sussex Violence Reduction work is taking place in Eastbourne. Two youth offending team workers have been co- located in College Central since October 2019 where some of the most vulnerable young people in the County at risk of permanent exclusion access educational opportunities.
The reason that additional support and preventative work is being embedded in the College is that school exclusions put young people at increased risk of becoming exploited and recruited into a county lines drug-dealing networks.
The workers have been building relationships and engaging with the students on a variety of subjects and topics related to offending and exploitation.
Some of this work is formal and some more reactive or less formal; engagement and support also involves parents as well as supporting the College staff and acting as a liaison with social care, police and other professionals.
Early signs look promising with reduced risks and fewer exclusions for some of the students since the project was launched.
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, a fund has been developed to support members of the street community. The RADAR Project (Refocus, Assess, Develop, Activate and Recover) has been commissioned and is being delivered by Seaview.
The project provides a range of psycho-social interventions and diversionary activities which helps these vulnerable individuals access support to begin or sustain recovery from substance misuse.
At the beginning of 2020 the substance misuse team undertook a commissioning process to support those in recovery from drug and alcohol disorders in East Sussex. The following organisations have been awarded contracts:
The East Sussex Veterans Hub provides non-clinical support for veterans of HM Forces, specifically addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or mental ill-health and the Oasis Women’s Recovery Service (OWRS) provides gender specific support for women experiencing problems with alcohol or drugs including those who are abstinent and in recovery.
Modern Slavery can involve a wide range of abuse including forced and compulsory labour, servitude and trafficking of people for various forms of exploitation. We continue to see organised criminals using various tactics to manipulate, threaten and exploit by using deceptive and coercive methods.
During 2018, Sussex Police recorded 170 Crimes relating to offences within the Modern Slavery Act, 40 of which related to East Sussex.
The Office for National Statistics report that in England and Wales since March 2016, there has been an increase in the number of modern slavery offences recorded by the police, from 909 to 5,144 offences in the year ending March 2019.
A study by the Centre for Social Justice think tank and the anti-slavery charity Justice and Care claims the issue is likely to intensify in the wake of the Covid -19 pandemic.
The Safer East Sussex Team will be working with partners to continue to raise awareness of this terrible crime and the devastating impact it has upon victims. We look forward to bringing you developments we are working on for Anti-Slavery day 18th October 2020 in our next bulletin.
As lock down eases, we are seeing an increase in contacts to our local domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking and harassment services. However, we know that in the current climate, it is still more challenging for those suffering abuse.
People in East Sussex needing help, advice or support on domestic abuse and sexual violence can contact The Portal on 0300 323 9985 or visit the Safe In East Sussex webpage.
We have been seeing an increase in stalking and harassment and would encourage anyone that is concerned about this to contact Veritas Justice for advice and support; info@veritas-justice.co.uk or call 01273 234773.
Home Start East Sussex is running two additional Lotus Domestic Abuse Recovery programmes to empower those affected by domestic abuse. They are delivered via Zoom and available for those in East Sussex and Brighton and Hove. It is available to women over 16 who now consider themselves safe. For more info visit their website or call: 01273 612025.
The Safer East Sussex Team supports and takes an active role in the Sussex Police Hate Crime working group - this group provides direction and leadership to practitioners and those in command, of delivering an effective policing and partnership response to Hate Crime in Sussex.
Hate crime not only harms its victims, it also harms their families and communities.
We want to raise awareness of what a hate crime is and help people understand that it is not right to target individuals based on their identity.
A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim, or anybody else, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone’s:
- race
- religion
- sexual orientation
- transgender identity
- disability
These aspects are known as ‘protected characteristics’. A hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault and damage to property. A hate incident is behaviour which isn’t a crime but which is perceived by the victim, or anybody else, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice.
Report a hate crime
You can report a hate crime online or call 101 to speak to the police and call 999 if you’re reporting a crime that’s in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.
National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2020 runs from the 10th to the 17th October this year and the national website has many ideas for events and activities to get you started.
Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)- Early Trauma Online Learning. ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood. This Online Learning aims to raise awareness of childhood adversity and the long term impact it can have on future violence victimisation and offending, and lifelong health and opportunity. The course is free and has been funded by the Home Office Early Intervention Fund.
See, Hear, Respond service is open for referrals.Barnardo’s has launched this new service, bringing national and local charities together to identify and support those most at risk at this time of crisis. From June to 31 October 2020 the service will work with schools and other agencies to find those children who are hidden from view and not receiving support currently from statutory organisations at risk and/or experiencing adverse impact to their health and wellbeing. For more information,view the See, Hear, Respond information leaflet for health professionals or visit the Barnardo’s website.
To learn more about the signs of modern slavery and how to report concerns visit www.sussex.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/ms/modern-slavery/
Further information about safeguarding, including modern slavery, can be found www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/worried/safeguarding/what/ and further advice is available by calling the modern slavery helpline on 0800 0121 700.