Peacehaven library move

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east sussex library and information service

January 2018

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Peacehaven library move

Peacehaven Library will be moving to a smaller unit within the Meridian Shopping Centre in the autumn of 2018.

Library usage is changing, as people are able to access information more easily and cheaper than ever before.  This means we have fewer visits, and those who do visit are looking for a different service. 

In the last ten years usage of Peacehaven Library has decreased by 62% and our public computers are used, on average, a third of the available time. 

The library is also very large – the area use by customers is only part of the building.  The non-public space is more than half as big again and is used very little.  The library is therefore much larger than is required to serve the needs of customers. 

In addition to the reduction in usage and unused space, Peacehaven is the most expensive library in East Sussex per open hour.  All of these factors mean that the current library is not providing good value for money for council tax payers.

The move will relocate the library to a more suitable unit in a busier part of the Meridian Shopping Centre, and help save a significant amount of money without impacting on the level of service we provide.

Customers will continue to benefit from all the services we provide in the current library, including computers and Wi-Fi for free internet access, a great selection of stock, and a children’s area. The library’s opening hours will stay the same and, because the service will remain in the shopping centre, library users will continue to enjoy free parking.

Work to refurbish the new library space will be completed while services run from the existing library. It is anticipated that Peacehaven Library will need to close for a short period in the autumn for fixtures and fittings to be moved, but customers will be notified in advance.

By moving to the smaller unit we will be able to provide a more sustainable service for years to come while providing a space that is more appropriate for the way the community currently uses its library.

More information will be made available within the current library and on our website as the project progresses. If you have any questions please feel free to ask staff when you next visit the library or email us

Artists image
artist's impression of the new library