Welcome to December Parent Voice

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December 2016

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i-go cardholder profile

Lachlan - i-go cardholder

 Our first profile is of Lachlan who is nearly 11 and from Eastbourne. His favourite i-go partner is the Sovereign Centre.


His mum Kelly told us, “Before getting the i-go card we found it difficult to get out and about. Having a low income meant certain places were out of bounds due to cost. The i-go card allows us to go, without having to miss out on something else, as the price is affordable.


Lachi needs to be constantly supervised and his little sister was missing out due to the fact that we could not afford a lot of spending. But now we make sure we go somewhere each school holiday and it puts smiles on everyone’s faces”.

Thank you to Lachlan and Kelly.

To tell us how i-go has made a difference to you, email ‘i-go profile’ to informationforfamilies@eastsussex.gov.uk and we will send you the short form.

Help boost accessible paddle sport

Buzz Active logo

The community activity centre Buzz Active is looking for crowdfunding to buy more accessible kayaking equipment to meet demand.

People who are not able to use a traditional kayak can use a ‘sit on top’ kayak for a fun, safe and accessible paddling experience.

Buzz Active runs activities for the whole community at two centres one in Eastbourne and the other near Seaford on the River Cuckmere. It specializes in activities for schools, including special schools, and youth groups.

It is owned and run by the council as a not-for-profit organisation and relies on funding and donations. If Buzz Active can reach a £1,500 target they will be able to buy the equipment they need and their supplier will donate an extra craft free of charge – (a total of six boats).

They have until 8am on 28th December to raise the money. Can you help spread the word?


Local band’s big screen debut

Mickey Reynolds on drums and Delta Seven

A short film about a rock band from Eastbourne we featured in Parent Voice has won a competition and is being shown in cinemas nationwide.


The winning film ‘We Rise’ is about Delta Seven, a group of seven young people with learning difficulties who challenge stereotypes and express themselves through music. It was chosen from over 400 films on the theme of ‘belonging’.


We spoke to Mickey Reynolds from Delta Seven for the cover story of our Spring Summer 2015 issue (see link for past issues above). He wrote, played music and helped record a CD with the band on a course with Arts Connect.


The short film is shown before each full-length feature at Picturehouse cinemas. You can also watch the film online


Rosie Baldwin from London who made the film was thrilled to win. She said her film gave the band “the chance to show everyone just how great they are.”

The iContact East Sussex Autism Survey

iContact logo

The findings of a survey of 100 parent carers of children with autism from across East Sussex are
out now.


The survey ran in June 2016 and collected responses from 100 families. They shared their experiences on a wide range of issues such as diagnosis, school provision and how health and education work together.


The Lewes autism support group iContact wrote the report and shared it with East Sussex County Council. They are working together to make some of the changes the report showed were needed.


The report contains powerful quotes and iContact recommend that people working with children with autism and their families read it. Have your support team read it?


You can read a summary and the full report of the East Sussex Autism Survey at: www.icontactautism.org/news

Christmas fun for everyone


For a warm Christmas welcome look out for special activities at i-go partners.


For example, at Blackberry Farm you can help Father Christmas find his boots that the elves hid around the farm and enjoy storytime with Mrs Christmas.

You can also put on some 3D glasses for a magical Christmas walk through the barn decorated with snowmen, snowflakes and a reindeer.


Find out more

Children's Disability Register survey

Young people playing

Under the Childcare Act 1989 local authorities must have a register of disabled children aged 0-19. In East Sussex our register is linked to our i-go leisure card scheme. The information helps to plan services and seek families’ views.

East Sussex County Council asked families:

Do you think it would be more helpful for the local authority if we were to seek more information from you, to inform consultation, and do you think it is something we should be doing?

The council received 222 responses.

62% (138 responses) said No – I would not want to provide more information when signing up -
38% (84 responses) said Yes - I would be happy to provide additional information when signing up 

As a result the council will not ask for additional information. Thank you to all families who took part in this consultation.