Funded Early Education - for childcare settings and childminders
IMPORTANT - Early Years Supplementary Grant –
Provider survey - IMPORTANT
In July this year information was shared with all providers about a one-off Early Years Supplementary Grant (EYSG), which has since led to a one off (in year) increases to a number of the early years entitlement rates. One of the rates that increased because of this one-off grant, was the two-year-old rate, increasing from £5.63 to £7.37p per hour from September 2023 and ending in March 2024
In follow on communications with you and at our recent round of provider engagement meetings, we also shared with you and talked to you about a potential decrease in the hourly rate for 2-year-old funding from April 2024, we were then made aware of. With illustrative rates shared by the DfE, setting a potential two-year-old funding rate of rate of £7.26 per hour or less, dependent on if any other additional supplements may be required, such as a deprivation.
This is unfortunately because East Riding is one of a small number of Councils that are likely to be adversely affected, if the funding formulae for the new 2-year-old funding entitlements and criteria being proposed by the Department of Education (DfE), come into effect.
For this reason, the rate provided for estimate payments, paid to you in Sept 2023 for 2-year-old funding, was set at a holding rate of £7.26, not the £7.37 set within the EYSG guidance information issued by the DfE. This was to provide space and time in which we could then talk and consult with you all, as to the most effective way to distribute the remaining EYSG funding (the additional £0.11p per hour equivalent leftover). To ensure that all EYSG is then distributed to providers in some way, in line with the conditions of this supplementary grant.
In order to help us make this decision on what to do with this remaining funding we would really appreciate it if you could complete this short survey, via the link below-
The results will inform the next steps the Council then takes to distribute the remaining EYSG funding.
The survey will close on Tuesday 14 November 2023 and further communication will follow after this date.