14 July 2023
Early Years Entitlements – Supplementary Grant Update
Over the last week or so there have been announcements made, information shared with local authorities and the early years sector around the proposed ‘in year’ increases to many of the early years entitlements. - the link below takes you through to the detail of what these increases are, for all local authorities, including here in the East Riding:
Next steps
In the East Riding, the proposal is that the full increases of this supplementary grant (see Fig.1) identified for each of the different entitlements will be passed directly to all providers who deliver the funded entitlements. This is in line with the expectations set by the Department for Education (DfE) on how this supplementary grant should be used.
Entitlement type
Current rate/hour
Proposed increase/hour
New proposed Rate/hour*
2-year-old funded entitlement
3-and 4-year-old funded entitlement
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
Disability Access Funding (DAF)
£828 per annum
£30.92 (lump sum, not per hour)
£881 per annum
*The supplementary grant being provided covers the period of September 2023 to March 2024. The new proposed rates will therefore be introduced from September onwards.
The Local Authority is currently in the process of finalising all the detail and following its own due process to confirm and agree this proposal. This will take approximately 3-4 weeks to undertake. Once completed, further communications will follow confirming the final arrangements, detail, timings, etc.
In between, if you would like to offer any feedback, alternative suggestions, for example around how to share out and allocate any of the entitlements, please e-mail the Families Information Service Hub (FISH) fish@eastriding.gov.uk , using the title: Early Years Entitlement- Supplementary grant feedback. The closing date for feedback is Friday, 28 July 2023.
If you would like a further discussion, please do not hesitate to contact your Early Years Development Advisor, who will be happy to chat and help you with any queries/questions you may have.
Finally, as we near the end of another term when many of your children will be moving on, we would just like to say a big thank from the Local Authorities’ Early Years Teams to every one of you involved in providing the high-quality early years and childcare provision to around 4500-5000 children across East Riding. We know many of you will be continuing to do this throughout the summer but do hope that you all manage to get some well-deserved rest of some sort over the summer period, whatever that may look like.
Thank you and take care,
The Early Years Team