Latest news
 Elmbridge February Cabinet meeting
On 5 February Elmbridge Cabinet will meet to discuss the following:
The meeting will be available to watch on our webcasting system.
 Esher’s Civic Heart – update on Civic Centre
Due to Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation and the changes this will bring to Elmbridge as well as councils across Surrey and England, we have made the decision to have a short delay on the proposed report on the Civic Centre site in Esher from February Cabinet meeting to March’s meeting.
 Recycle your food waste and generate electricity!
Surrey residents recycled over 37,000 tonnes of food waste last year, which has helped generate electricity to power households throughout the county and lowered emissions.
If you haven’t made the change yet, why not join thousands of other residents who recycle their food waste daily? With free weekly food waste collections, it's never too late to start. Simply request your food caddy.
 Have your say on polling places and polling districts in Elmbridge
We are carrying out a review of our polling districts and polling places used for elections in the borough.
We invite comments from all electors regarding the convenience of voting in our polling places and would welcome suggestions for alternative sites.
We particularly welcome the views of disabled residents or organisations with expertise in access for disabled people.
 Could you be a local conservation volunteer?
Conservation volunteers do an excellent job and are essential in keeping our cherished countryside sites accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
The Claygate conservation group are looking for new volunteers to join them. Read the latest update on the work they've been doing in Claygate Common and see if it's something you'd like to be part of.
There are many chances to volunteer at our countryside sites all year round, so if you care about the environment and your community, get involved!
 Apply for funding to help your community thrive
The annual local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding round will be opening on Monday 3 February to Sunday 16 March 2025, closing at midnight.
Successful local CIL applications have included a variety of projects, including improvements to state schools to accommodate an increasing student population, upgrades to community facilities and play areas, improvements to footpaths and better countryside accessibility.
 Residents invited to help shape community services in Elmbridge
We are embarking on the next stage of our community services engagement programme in February with a set of interactive workshops where you can share your ideas to help shape a brighter future for Elmbridge.
As a resident, your ideas will directly inform what we do next to support people and communities, and create an even better, more inclusive support system.
You can join us at one of the following interactive workshops:
- Thursday 13 February, 5pm to 7pm at St John’s Church, Walton-on-Thames
- Saturday 15 February, 10:30am to 12:30pm at Cobham Village Hall
- Tuesday 25 February, 5pm to 7pm at Ember Sports Club, Esher
- Thursday 27 February, 6pm to 7.30pm online
 Waste collection dates calendar 2025
Starting this year, we're taking steps to reduce our environmental footprint by moving our waste collection calendar online. As a result, printed guides will no longer be available for residents.
Instead, you can check your bin collection day on our website with a simple postcode search. You will also see a copy of your waste collection calendar should you want to print off at home.
 Leaders community engagement meetings
We are pleased to invite all residents to a series of community engagement meetings hosted by the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council.
These meetings aim to inform residents about the critical issues affecting the borough, including the Local Plan, financial outlook, local government reform, as well as addressing specific concerns impacting individual towns and villages.
Taking place at the Elmbridge Centres for the Community between the end of January and March, registration for the events is now open
 Government consultation on mandatory code of conduct for local authorities
The government has initiated a public consultation aimed at introducing a mandatory minimum code of conduct for local authorities in England. This initiative seeks to enhance the standards and conduct regime, ensuring a consistent approach among councils when investigating serious breaches of their members' code of conduct, including the potential power of suspension.
The consultation is open to all councillors, officers, and members of the public.
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