Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the construction of single storey rear extensions (Permitted Development Class A) and alterations to existing roof (Permitted Development Class C). | Date Decided: 28/11/2024
Removal of open porch at front door and replacement with first floor balcony; replace existing window (front elevation) with french windows | Date Decided: 28/11/2024
Replace 2no. windows on ground floor and 2no. windows at first floor on front elevation and replace 1no. door on front elevation | Date Decided: 28/11/2024
Land Adjacent To The GardensBlackhorseExeterEX5 2FT
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of 22/0549/FUL (Construction of 3no. bungalows with associated access, parking and landscaping), to include installation of air source heat pumps enlarged foot print to Plot 1, removal of conservatories and installation of solar panels | Date Decided: 28/11/2024
Prior approval (Class Q) for a change of use of 2no. agricultural buildings to a single dwellinghouse with detached domestic store (Use Class C3) | Date Decided: 27/11/2024
Walnut - prune back the tips of 3 branches by approximately 1m to give adequate clearance to the building. Remove the growth from the wound of propped branch. | Date Decided: 27/11/2024
Reconstruction of 3no. cottages after fire, to include new first floor extension on Thatch End (re-submission of 23/1834/FUL) | Date Decided: 26/11/2024
Oak (T1) - reduce crown by a maximum of 1.5m. Reduction works via thinning with max diameter cuts of 30mm to achieve this. Carry out works on a 4 year cycle to contain size of tree. | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
Prior Approval application for conversion of agricultural buildings to flexible commercial use (Class E (commercial, business or service)) under Class R of the Town and Country Planning (GPD) (England) order (amendment) 2024 | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
Proposed part change of use from ground floor commercial shop / ground and first floor offices to a two storey residential dwelling; remaining ground floor space to be retained as a commercial shop. | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
T1, Beech : Crown lift over the neighbouring house to give approx. 2m lateral and vertical clearance. Reduce height by 3m, and crown spread by up to 2m, with maximum diameter pruning cuts of 5cm. | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
T1, Birch - reduce by approximately 3m and re-shape to leave a natural form, a height of approximately 10m and a radial spread of 3m.T2, Pittosporum - reduce by approximately 50% and re-shape.T3, Lawson cypress - shorten back or remove, the long branches over the lawn to clear approximately 3m above ground level.T4, Corkscrew willow - shorten back over the road to clear highway.T5, Cherry - remove stem over hedge and shorten back long branches over lawn. Thin over path by stream. | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
Sidbury C Of E Primary School Church StreetSidburyEX10 0SB
T1, Sycamore: reduce lateral branches away from building by approximately 2m,T2, Silver Birch: remove damaged limb,T5, Oak: reduce overhanging limbs to achieve a minimum clearance of 1m from building and ventilation unit; remove two dead limbs,T6, Oak: reduce lower limbs on southern aspect to achieve a minimum 1m clearance from building. | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
T1: Ash pollard - remove dead wood over 75mm and reduce height by 2-3m into live growth to encourage new shoots. Shorten back long limb over neighbouring property. | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
Enfield Farm Biodigester Oil Mill LaneClyst St MaryEX5 1AF
Variation of conditions 3 (odour management), 5 (feedstock and digestate) and 8 (plant noise) of planning permission 15/1512/FUL (relating to the extension of an anaerobic digester) | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
Enfield Farm Biodigester Oil Mill LaneClyst St MaryEX5 1AF
Variation of conditions 5 (odour management), 7 (feedstock and feedstock delivery) and 10 (plant noise) of planning permission 17/0650/VAR (relating to the construction of an anaerobic digester) | Date Decided: 25/11/2024
Installation of 2 no. illuminated fascia signs and 1 no. illuminated projecting sign, 1 no. lantern, 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign, and 1no. menu case | Date Decided: 22/11/2024