T1, Lucombe Oak: Crown reduce by an estimate 12 metres in height, Maximum Diameter of Cuts (MDC) 550mm. Reduce lateral spread accordingly, MDC 125mm. This will leave a tree with an approximate height of 12-13 metres and a radial canopy spread of 4-5 metres. | Date Decided: 07/11/2024
T1, Oak - reduce height by approximately 2m. Shorten back branches over neighbouring roof to a suitable pruning position to clear 2m. Re-shape remainder of crown by 1-2m to leave a natural form. Remove dead wood over 75mm. | Date Decided: 07/11/2024
Variation of condition 5 (operating hours) of planning permission 21/2219/VAR (Erection of retail store (5,996 sq m gross) with petrol filling station, other retail units (633 sq m gross) with assorted car parking, pedestrian and vehicular and vehicular access and landscaping) to allow store servicing, deliveries and associated activities from 5am (instead of 7am) Monday to Saturday | Date Decided: 06/11/2024
Non material minor amendment to application 24/1504/FUL: Change to floor area of single storey extension and alterations to fenestration | Date Decided: 05/11/2024
Non-Material Amendment to application 24/1211/FUL: Change to the floor area of the extension, alterations to fenestration and inclusion of render finishes | Date Decided: 05/11/2024
Demolition of existing garage and proposed erection of 1no. 2 storey detached dwelling in area behind building line of existing building | Date Decided: 01/11/2024
4 Cedar Shade All Saints RoadSidmouthDevonEX10 8EU
T1, Holm Oak : Cut back lateral extension of branches over roof by 2.5m. Lift secondary branches over roof to give 2.5m clearance where possible. | Date Decided: 01/11/2024
Oliver Joseph Fitness & Land To The West And SouthLyme StreetAxminsterEX13 5AU
Variation of Planning Condition 2 (approved plans) on planning permission 24/0157/FUL (Alterations and minor extension to the existing commercial building, formation of customer parking area and external plant area) alterations to include addition of bollards and safety balustrading, increase in fence height around plant area and reconfigure plant area. | Date Decided: 01/11/2024