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East Devon District Council Decision on key applications Update
East Devon District Council sent this bulletin at 06-09-2024 12:00 PM BST
Alterations to fenestration, addition of front porch and upgrading external materials. Enlarging rear patio, installation of heat pump and solar panels | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
Unit 19BBlock 19FlightwayDunkeswell Business ParkDunkeswellHonitonEX14 4PB
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate (CLUED) for the change of use of first floor of building to single dwelling at unit 19b, Flightway Business Park, Dunkeswell, Honiton EX14 4PB | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
Land North And South Of Station Road, Warwick Close, Wells Avenue, Land Opposite Greenacres Close And Land Adjacent To Ottery Road Near Sidmouth Junction Sewage Pumping StationFeniton
Discharge of conditions for 24/0331/MFUL : Condition 5 (landscape and ecological management plan) | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
Extension of time period for completion of 21/2899/PDQ (Class Q prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural barn to one dwellinghouse) for a further 3 years | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
Retrospective application for construction of raised decking and store building, and proposed erection of garage and workshop | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
T1: Red Oak - shorten back over garden and drive by 1-2m.T2: Lime - reduce by approximately 3m and reshape to leave a natural form leaving a height of approximately 20m and a radial spread of 5m.T3: Oak - prune and re-shape by 0.5-1m to leave a more compact form. | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of permission 23/2059/FUL (Proposed demolition of existing storage building and construction of replacement workshop and storage building) to allow changes to windows and doors. | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of permission 22/2122/FUL (Erection of two storey 4-bed detached dwelling, erection of a detached single garage and demolition of existing dwelling) to allow changes to first floor elevations, finished floor level and external ground and terrace levels | Date Decided: 05/09/2024
To undertake structural repairs to the walls of a listed building; to include removal of existing cob and replacement with brick to external walls; removal of failed brick footing to partition and replacement with a concrete foundation; partial replacement of decayed timber studs with new; flue on south elevation and meter box on side west elevation. | Date Decided: 04/09/2024
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) from planning permission 22/2433/FUL - (Installation of rooflights and dormer windows to east and west roof pitches, with solar panels to west elevation. Replacement of existing windows and doors with alterations to fenestration). Proposal to change dormer roof on west elevation from a flat roof to a pitched roof and minor fenestration amendments | Date Decided: 04/09/2024
Construction of 4no circular semi permanent plots for tents, each surrounded by a grassed bank with a small hedge for privacy [Retrospective] | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
Construction of single storey extension at first floor level to front elevation, adjustments to external steps and extension of front garden wall. | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
Erection of a single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 5m, for which the maximum height would be 3.2m and for which the height of the eaves would be 3m | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
Internal alterations to previously approved change of use alterations linked to application 23/1903/LBC. First floor alterations: Second floor alterations: Bedroom 1: dressing room to become ensuite; Bedroom 2 & 3 to become larger by moving hallway wall forward; Bathroom off landing to become a shower room and shower room to become WC | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
Replacement two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, alterations to existing porch and detached double garage | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
T1 - Ash tree - prune and reduce the end weight and leverage of 1 x north-eastern stem, reducing the stem by approximately 3m in total, making natural target pruning cuts of up to 75mm in diameter.T2 - Oak tree - prune and reduce the end weight and leverage of all branches of the trees north-eastern aspect which is found growing out over the garden boundary removing branch lengths of up to 2m making natural target pruning cuts of up to 50mm in diameter. | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
T1, Eucalyptus: reduce height by approximately 3m and shorten side growth by a similar amount to a suitable pruning position with cuts no larger than 75mm.T2, Eucalyptus: fell. | Date Decided: 03/09/2024
Creation of raised terrace to side and rear gardens to create level amenity area and construction of 2m fence (retrospective) | Date Decided: 02/09/2024
Demolish existing garage and replace with new. Replace gable on the south/west elevation with a new timber framed gable matching existing ridge height, and a new rear first floor flat roofed dormer. Construction of single storey extension on south/east elevation. Alterations to driveway. | Date Decided: 02/09/2024
T001, English Oak : remove major deadwood, remove moderate deadwood over highway and school; reduce eastern aspect of crown (over highway and school) by 3m from branch tips to a suitable growth point - install; Cobra bracing system. | Date Decided: 02/09/2024
Demolition of lean-to structure, proposed part conversion to 1no. residential dwelling with garden and associated works, and the rebuild, repair and conservation of the existing barns. | Date Decided: 30/08/2024