Arts and Culture East Devon - September training, events and funding

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Dear Creative,

This autumn we’re pleased to offer more free training opportunities. Based on your requests, we are running sessions in Social Media advertising, Fundraising in Corporate Sponsorship and Individual Giving – all run by experts from the arts and culture sector. We hope to see you at our Autumn ACED Network meeting next month.


New ACED Training opportunities

Social Media Advertising: 19 September, 10-1, online. New ACED training to help you  create effective Facebook and Instagram ads to support your marketing goals as well as understanding how to report and track results.


Fundraising - Corporate Sponsorship: 10 October, 11-1, online. New ACED training delivered by fundraising specialists Cause 4. Develop your skills and knowledge to raise funds from corporates. Suitable for new fundraisers and those with little experience of corporate fundraising.


Fundraising - Individual Giving: 21 November, 10.30-1.30, The Beehive, Honiton. New ACED training delivered by fundraising specialists Cause 4. Unlock the Art of Making the Ask to connect with high-net-worth individuals and philanthropists to generate transformational gifts.


These training opportunities are funded by the UK Government through the Shared Prosperity Fund.

ACED Meeting

Autumn ACED Network Meeting

Wednesday 16 October, 10 - 12 (coffee and networking from 9.30)

Manor Pavilion Theatre, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RP

  • Decarbonising Exmouth Festival – Jess Magill (Arts Manager) and Zoey Cooper (Climate and Ecological Emergency Resilience Officer) from Exmouth Town Council
  • Producing community-led events - SMArt: Sidmouth Makes Art Project, Louise Cole, Sophie Later and Coco Hodgkinson (Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub)
  • Meet your new ACED Champions – Maggie Irving (inclusion Champion) & Sue Briggs (Festivals Champion)
  • Connector Tables: a chance to build relationships for collaboration with others in the room who specialise in your field (theatre/music/dance/visual arts/film)


September Highlights

  • Budleigh Literary Festival: 18 - 22 September. Celebrating books by the sea. It features inspiring talks, readings and conversations and promotes the art of writing and the enjoyment of reading in our East Devon community and local schools.
  • Devon Open Studios: 7 - 22 September. Artists all over Devon will be throwing open their doors and inviting people to look behind the scenes of an artist’s studio.
  • The Farringdon Society of Arts: 16 - 22 September. The FSA is hosting a week- long series of events to celebrate their 20th Anniversary during Devon Open Studios including a talk with Phil Kingslan John from Four of Swords and a performance of The Tale of Trista “Heb Skovam”.

Mentor Grid


ACED Mentoring: FREE mentoring for 18- to 30-year-olds in the arts by experienced mentors from your creative sector. To apply, please complete the mentee application form and return to by 30 September.

Young writer opportunity: Little Green Change seek East Devon secondary-aged students to contribute to their 2025 magazine. Contact Clare Matheson to agree an environmental topic: Deadline: 31 January 2025.

Funding opportunities

Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust. UK charities with a focus on performing arts projects that improve audience access and participation can apply for grants of £1,000. 

Carbon Action Fund: East Devon businesses and community organisations can apply for up to £50,000 per organisation to purchase equipment such as solar PV, air-sourced heat pumps, insultation, LED lighting, etc. Deadline: 20 September.

Jerwood Art Fund Commissions - Art Fund Two commissions for early to mid-career artists of £70,000 - £100,000 per year over next three years, covering full cost of delivering and presenting the commissions with a partner museum. Deadline 1 November

Creative East Devon Fund: Round 2 is still open, apply now for projects taking place between January – March 2025. Deadline: 8 November.

Other training opportunities

Museum Development South West Training:

Free East Devon VCSE Bitesize sessions from Devon Communities Together:

Digital Culture Network: What goes into a social media strategy? Tuesday 22 October, 11, online. Free. To help those working in the creative/culture sector create a social media strategy.

Have a job opportunity or artist call? Please share it: More funding and training opportunities and links to resources on ACED website.

Arts and Culture East Devon (ACED) is a network connecting the artistic communities of East Devon and providing a central platform to engage, network, promote and talk about arts and culture across the region.